"Lisa. Hi. Merry Christmas to you too." Roseanne smiled but turned her attention back to the task at hand. "I'm sorry, I just have to finish these before the food delivery guy runs off again. It's so hectic this morning. You wouldn't believe." She laughed.

"It's ok. I'm sorry for this."

"Not your fault, and you have to work as well."

"Well. I didn't know better…" If Roseanne hadn't been so distracted she might have caught on to Lisa who looked truly guilty for having planned the flight. "But anyway." The pilot quickly raised her voice again. "New York will be beautiful."

"Yeah?" Roseanne answered, standing up and fixing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Have you been?"

"Not at Christmas, but in winter." Lisa's eyes lit up at seeing Roseanne's smile. "It can be magical." She added with a bright smile of her own.

"Ok. I am definitely looking forward to it now."

"I'm glad."

They stared at each other for another moment, before Lisa cleared her throat. "I've got to start the procedure, but I'd love a coffee with you if you have time before take-off?"

"I probably won't have time, but I'll bring you and Jisoo one in a little bit." She answered and started walking backwards down the middle of the plane, eyes trained on the pilot a smile playing on her lips. Lisa was eagerly watching her every move when Jisoo walked into the plane.

"Your gay is showing." She whispered, pressing herself past Lisa into the cockpit and effectively breaking the eye contact between the two.

"Happy whatever to you too." Lisa said and with a last glance and a smile at Roseanne, she turned and closed the door.

Jisoo grinned at her. "You've been MIA since you called after you guys had your talk."

"Been occupied with company stuff."

"Company stuff?" Jisoo wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yes." Lisa laughed.

"Ah, so no news on the Roseanne front?"

"She messaged when she saw I hadn't been scheduled for flights. We talked a little. It was nice."

"So without any doubt she understands you're momentarily too occupied for pursuing a relationship, but makes it clear she waits for you?" Jisoo asked with a smile. "Seems like she thinks you're worth it."

"She never said anything like that." Lisa answered.

"She didn't have to. You can see it in her eyes."

The brunette didn't reply, sitting perfectly still lost in her own world.

"Just do me one favour?" Jisoo pulled her back to reality. "Don't make me regret helping you get back into her good graces. She's too precious to be played."

"I won't hurt her again, I promised you already." Lisa huffed out, but a sombre expression replaced her annoyance almost immediately.

"Good." Jisoo nodded. "Oh! Jennie asked me what's going on between the two of you. My sweet girlfriend was outraged to be left in the dark because apparently Roseanne wouldn't tell them anything."

"She didn't?"

"Not a word. Jennie said, Roseanne had said it was personal and she wanted to keep it to herself."

"Oh." Lisa looked at her and whispered more to herself than for Jisoo to hear. "She's too good to be true."

"She's good for you." Jisoo said before a knock at the door announced their coffees.

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