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" This is gonna end well".

And so, both sides of the Avengers (and friends) start their walk. The walk turns into a jog. The jog turns into a run. The run turns into a sprint. And then, they collide.

Wanda uses her powers to lift herself up, then take chunks out of the concrete and blasting them towards Spider-Man. Tony and Steve go hand to hand, along with Rhodes and Sam, T'Challa and Bucky.

Eventually, Clint and Natasha go hand to hand. Clint uses his bow and Natasha uses her batons.

" We're still friends, right?", Natasha asks, being pined down by his bow.

" Depends on how hard you hit me", Clint says.

Natasha latches her thighs around his head, rolls over, and before she can kick him, Wanda latches her powers around her ankle, then throws her into a metal container.

" You're pulling your punches", Wanda says.

With a sigh, Lauren then walks over to the red head.

" Nat".

" Lo".

Lauren helps up her friend, acknowledging that their friendship is still valid. Natasha lands a round-house kick to her side, making her groan in pain.

" Seriously?", The brunette asks.

Lauren grabs her arm, spins around and throws Natasha over her shoulder. The red head counter-acts this by latches her thighs around Lauren's ankle. To free themselves, they both somersault.

Before T'Challa can sink his metal claws into Bucky's throat, Wanda, once again, drops in and shoves him away with her powers.

" That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all", Peter comments.

" Look kid, there's a lot going on that you don't understand", Steve says.

" Mr.Stark said you'd say that", Peter says.

Peter webs the shield, and then webs his legs, pulling Steve closer, then sliding in and kicking him in the face.

" He also said to go for your legs".

Steve tries to reach for the shield, but Peter webs both of his hands. Steve pulls his hands forward, turn around, pulls Peter in, then flips around to kick him down. Peter webs the shield, but Steve grabs it, pulls him close, and knocks him down. Then, Peter swings up and around a terminal.

" Stark tell you anything else?", Steve asks.

" That you're wrong, you think you're right, and that makes you dangerous", Peter says.

Peter swings around and tries to attack Steve, but he just gets kicked aside.

" Well, I guess he had a point", Steve says, then throws his shield at the structure above Peter to make it fall, " You got heart, kid. Where you from?".

" Queens".

" Brooklyn".

As Vision makes his way towards Lauren, the fight still continues. She finds the strength to manipulate the wind to hold him back.

" Mrs.Rogers... with your cuffs, you know you cannot defeat me", Vision grunts.

" Wanna bet?", She smirks.

He breaks through the wind and approaches her, she round-house kicks him in the face, which he allows. Vision's hand wraps itself around her throat, lifting her up off the ground.

" I am sorry", He says.

Whilst gasping for breath, Lauren's eyes turn gold.

Her shout causes a dark cloud to form in the sky. Lighting strikes down on Vision, releasing Lauren from his grasp, while the wind blows him into a truck. Her hands shaking, her heart racing, the use of Lauren's powers is taking a toll on her body.

" We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now", Bucky says.

" We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you get to the jet", Steve says.

" No, you both get to the jet. The rest of us aren't getting out of here", Sam says.

" As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, then some of us are gonna have to lose it", Clint says.

" This isn't the real fight, Steve", Lauren says as she makes her way to her husband.

" What's the play?", Steve asks.

" We need a diversion. Something big", Sam says.

" I got something kinda big. But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half... don't come back for me", Scott says.

" He's gonna tear himself in half?", Bucky asks.

" You sure about this, Scott?", Steve asks.

" I do it all the time. Once. In a lab. And then I passed out".

" If I don't see you again...", Lauren starts.

" No. We will see each other again. This isn't the end", Steve says as he holds his wife's hands, " I love you".

" I love you, too", She says, then leans in for a kiss.

She wraps her arms around his neck, while his hands are on her hips. And then, Scott grows to be giant, causing them to look away.

" I guess that's the signal", Steve says.

" Go kick some ass", Lauren says, then runs off.

It was all going smoothly. Too smoothly. Until Vision used the stone to knock down the tower. Wanda uses her powers to keep the tower up, trying to allow Steve and Bucky to get through, but then Rhodes uses sonic waves against her head.

Her powers fail, and Lauren sprints to her, using all of her strength to keep the tower up.

" Run!", She shouts to her husband, knowing she won't be able to keep it up for long.

Tony flies to her, holding his hands out in front of him.

" Don't kick my ass for this".

He uses his strongest repulser ray and blasts her front. Her powers stop, as does she. She feels... an emptiness.

The spell had broken.

Her slight round stomach reveled.

... but with blood streaming down her legs.

In a state of panic, she falls to her knees. Lips trembling, and eyes watering.

" What have you done?...... What have you done?!".

Fallen | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now