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(A/N: once again, sorry for late updates and any spelling mistakes, im updating as fast as i can and i have a habit of not proof reading.)

The ambulance smelt of antibacterial and Lysol disinfectant which stung my nose like a bee sting. I still hate doctors and hospitals but i had to deal with it. Morgue wasnt allowed in the ambulance with me since he wasnt family, and neither were any of the other sideshow performers so i was forced to face this ride alone. "How did this happen?" One of the ambulance workers asked.

"Fire eating." I replied, earning an odd look from the worker.

"Wow, havent heard that explanation before." He laughed, i guess trying to make this situation better. Nothing was going to make this better. I fucked up my performance, my hand felt like it was melting off, and Morgue wasnt here (not like he'd be too supportive or caring anyways). "We'll be at the hospital soon, you may have to have an operation on you hand since ive been squeezing your hand for the last five minutes with all my strength and you havent even realized." I looked down and it turns out he wasnt lying. He had his hand pressing down on my burnt hand and i dont even feel it. I also hadnt realized that some of the pain was subsiding leaving an eerie numb feeling in its place. "This suggests that you have nerve damage to some extent."

"Is that bad?" I flinched and tried to hope for the best possible answer like ' no, thats perfectly normal.', but nerve damage isnt a good thing and even i knew that. It didnt take a doctor to have to tell me that much.

"The doctors will fix your hand in a matter of hours and then you'll be good to go." He smiled and the next thing i knew, the back of the ambulance was opened and i was being pulled out by the stretcher that i was strapped to. It was so embarrassing to have to be here in the first place, but id rather get my hand fixed than have it permanently damaged. I just had to keep reminding myself of that. "Take her to room 646, ICU" The ambulance worker barked orders at a few nurses who took my stretcher and directed my towards a hallway tht held people who had been injured seriously. I don't know why i was going to the ICU, i didnt think my hand was that big of an emergency. I was taken passed multiple rooms that either contained screaming kids or dying adults, or vice versa. Not exactly the first impression that i wanted to have of this place. Then finally they turned me into a room at the end of the hallways with bare walls and barely any windows. I swear this looked more like a jail cell than a hospital room. Soon enough, the nurses, dressed in pale mint green scrubs, left the room and shut the door leaving me in silence. I hated being alone more than the hospital, and thats saying a lot because i really hate hospitals.

After sitting in muteness for over ten minutes i found myself slowly drifting and falling into sleep. I mean, there was nothing else to do.

*Morgue's POV*

Obviously, i was going to visit J at the hospital. After all, it kind was my fault that she got hurt in the first place. I was the one who told her to join the freakshow and try out to become a performer. It was my fault and the least i could do was visit her. I hadnt exactly seen the her hand to its full extent, but what i saw, i was fascinated with. I know, that sounds creepy, but thats who i am. I am captivated by oddities, her hand included. I also know how badly her hand was hurt, once again, i dont know how badly it had been injured but i know it wasnt good.

Finally, I arrived at the hospital, the emergency room section to be exact. I quickly parked the car and entered the hospital through its large, glass doors. It wasnt long until i was helped at the main desk.

"How may i help you?" A nurse smiled at me, her pearly white teeth gleaming in the harsh lights in the emergency room.

"I'm here to see my friend who was brought here by ambulance." I tried my best to phrase that as accurately as i could.

"What's your friends name?"

"Jacqueline." Now i was shaking with anticipation. I swear if this nurse went any slower, i was just going to run up and down the hallways until i find J. I'm not exactly a patient person, as you can tell.

"She's about to head to surgery..." She started. Surgery? She was hurt that badly? Now my heart started to race faster than i thought it could. I didnt like when other people were in pain, now myself getting hurt is a different story. I embrace pain while others may not be able to handle it. "You can see her, but you must leave when she is ready to be operated on... Room 646." Before she even finished her sentence i began running down the hallways frantically searching for her room. Eventually, i found her room which was one of the last doors in the hallways.

I tried to calm myself as best i could before i went into see her. I didnt want her to think i cared to much. Emotion is my enemy and thats how it will stay.

I pushed the door open carefully and went into a completely pitch black room. Oh no, didnt they take her already? Then, I heard a quiet sound. Was that her talking?

"Morgue.." She murmured. "Love." I heard her snore.

Just then, before i could process anything, the doctors had opened the door and turned on the harsh lights in her room. She groaned and opened her glossy eyes slowly, blinking them furiously to clear her vision.

"Morgue?" All i could do was smile.

"Jacqueline, are you ready for surgery?" The nurses began to role her wheeled- hospital bed out of the room. The last thing i saw was her scared face and wide eyes watching me as she left.

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