I'll get you back, Trager! {Tig}

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A/N: I'm taking a different approach to writing this one shot.


"C'mon, Hap! Hurry up!" Tig exclaims in a whisper.

Happy gives nothing but a glare in return, knowing nothing will make the water balloon fill faster.

Yes, you read that correctly...

Tig and Happy are currently filling water balloons to ambush Tig's Old Lady, Y/N. It was Tig's devious idea because he loves to mess with her and he knew no one better to help him than Happy.

Y/N is in the office with her mom, taking care of paperwork.

She'll never expect it coming.

As the red water balloon finally finishes filling, Happy removes it from the running sink. He ties it and hands it off to Tig who already has his arms full of them.

"You think this is enough?" Tig asks.

Happy nods and shifts the toothpick in his mouth. "Yeah." He responds.

"But I have another idea." Happy goes on.

Tig becomes intrigued quickly.
"What is it?" He asks.

Happy points to a bucket sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

"We fill that up and dump it on her." He explains

Tig shrugs. He likes the idea.
"She'll probably kill us both after that, but hell yeah let's do it!" He says, excitement in his voice.

After Happy fills the bucket, he and Tig make their way outside.

"What the hell are you two doin'?" A voice asks, breaking them away from their mission.

The two men turn and look to find their V.P. staring at them with a confused look on his face.

"Going to throw these at Y/N. Why?" Tig answers, nonchalantly.

"My mom will be pissed if you wet anything in the office." Jax states, warning them that if they dare wet anything in that room, they'll face Gemma's wrath.

"Then get your sister to come outside." Happy speaks up.

A smirk forms on Jax's face and he nods.

"Give me a sec." He states and with that, he strolls out of the clubhouse.

"Y/N!" Jax calls out.

Jax struts into the office. Y/N and Gemma look up at him, curiously.

Jax walks up to Y/N and places his arms on her shoulders.
"Hey, sis... Need you to come outside."

"Why?" She questions in return.

"Gotta surprise for ya." Jax says.

"I'm busy, ya know." Y/N grumbles.

"C'mon, it won't take long." Jax explains, trying to convince her.

Y/N sighs and stands up, "Fine."

She walks out of the office and Jax goes to follow her, excitedly.

Gemma's eyes narrow. She gets up out of her chair and grips onto Jax's muscular arm.

She knows he's up to something and she's gonna find out what.

"What are you doin'?" She asks, suspiciously.

"Just watch." He says.

"Jackson." Gemma warns, her tone serious.

"Mom, chill. It's fine." Jax soothes. Gemma nods and let's go of his arm.

Jax walks out of the office and up to his sister. He makes sure to keep an eye out for Tig and Happy so he can back away from Y/N. Jax does not want to get soaked.

"Where's this surprise of yours?" Y/N questions, impatiently.

"Behind you." Jax states, beginning to back up from Y/N.

"Wha-" She starts, her tone confused as hell but she ultimately gets cut off my Tig chucking a water balloon straight at her face.

It lands and pops, squirting water all over Y/N. She feels enraged.

"Tig! You mother fucker!" She screams.

Then she gets completely ambushed by both Tig and Happy. She just covers her face, knowing there's nothing she can do about this predicament she's found herself in. A predicament her brother was in on. Oh, will there be payback for that one.

After the fire of balloons cease, Y/N removes her arms away from her face, revealing her pissed off face. Tig howls with loud, obnoxious laughter.

But... Y/N should have kept those hands there because Tig notices Happy creeping up behind Y/N, carrying the bucket.

Happy dumps the cold water over her, completely drenching her.

Y/N shrieks and whips around to find the bald man standing behind her, an amused look on his face.

"Happy!" She shouts, furiously.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

Happy's lips curl into a smile at the angry woman.

"You think that's funny, Hap?" Y/N questions.

Happy nods, "mhhhm." He mumbles.

Y/N smirks and opens her arms. Before Happy has a chance to scurry away, Y/N wraps her soaked arms around him, getting his shirt wet.

She lets go and he glares at her.

"Not so funny now is it?" She sneers.

Tig walks up to her, chuckling. He tries to wrap his strong arms around Y/N but she doesn't let him.

"No, don't touch me." She snaps, crossing her arms. She glares at him.

"Baby, don't be mad. That was a good prank." Tig says, attempting to embrace her in a hug.

She knows it was a good prank but she's not going to tell Tig that. She will not give him that much credit.

She let's him hug her this time. Y/N wraps her arms around Tig, melting into his embrace.

"I'll get you back, Trager." Y/N promises, mischievously.

Tig, Happy and Jax will not get away with this...

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