Episode 8

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Trunks reached the playground first than Goten,Ouma and Shelly

Trunks: Haha you all lose.. well what do you expect from the son of all Saiyan of course I'd win

Shelly:Don't get cocky over a race which you cheated

Trunks:How did I cheat?

Shelly:You just flew before us than when you were ahead you said race ya

Ouma came between them

Ouma:Hey we came here to have fun not fight , well in my point of view listen to you guys fight

Goten:Ya she's right let's use this opportunity to get to know each other more, like Shelly what's your favourite thing to do?

Shelly: Planning how I'll kill people





Goten:umm.. anyway, Ouma who's your idol

Ouma:(looks at Shelly) well, I have non yet

Shelly:This is soooo booooooring

Trunks:Than we could spare each other

Goten:That's a good idea

Ouma:Spar in a playground with children and parent?

Goten:That's a bad idea


Than shelly just walked away

Ouma:Wait for me

Ouma ran after Shelly

Trunks:Looks like it's only us two

Goten:Wanna follow them?

Trunks:(thinks) No


Trunks:Cause if we follow them Shelly will just insult us and she walked away from us indicating she doesn't wanna be with us so yea

Goten:Really?🤨, Than there's a open field right there wanna spar


Ouma pov

Ouma:You can't just walk away like that

Shelly:But I did


There was a voice of child crying

Ouma:Did you hear that?


Ouma:Well it sounded li-

Shelly:Of course I did what do you think IM DEAF!!

Ouma:Stop screaming in my ear before you make me deaf

Shelly:(sigh) well shouldn't we check it out

Ouma:I was about to say that, let's go

As we followed the voice we came upon two kids one was hurtband the other is trying to cheer him up

We went near them and they looked a
us and I noticed they were twins

We went near them and they looked aus and I noticed they were twins

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