Episode 1

90 1 10

Ouma pov
I woke up with my twin sister Shelly and went down to the dinning room greeting our mother

Ouma:Hi mom

Mom:hi darling where's your sister

Ouma:Oh Shelly she is getting ready when I say that I mean she's taking her time coming down

Mom:Oh ok


Ouma:Hi Shelly come seat down with me mom mad us breakfast

Ouma:Hi Shelly come seat down with me mom mad us breakfast

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Mom:hi honey how are you

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Mom:hi honey how are you


Ouma:Shelly mom is asking you a question

Mom:No it's okay Ouma😔

After Ouma and Shelly had their lunch they say they wanted to go out and play in the park their mom said it's ok but she and her daughter Shelly are distant and her mother don't like it because both of them wanna know about their father but she just tell them nothing

What Ouma wearing

What Ouma wearing

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What Shelly wearing

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What Shelly wearing

But less revealing by the stomach and she has no skateboard and the pant is up till her knee not thighs

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But less revealing by the stomach and she has no skateboard and the pant is up till her knee not thighs

Shelly and Ouma went to the capsule corps with their mother because their business is in partnership and Bulma requested because they haven't seen each other for a long time

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Shelly and Ouma went to the capsule corps with their mother because their business is in partnership and Bulma requested because they haven't seen each other for a long time

Bulma pov
Everything need to be perfect it has been a long time since I've seen Arian our business partner and everything need to be perfect but how with all the z fighters here this is gonna be hard and I can't cancel our meeting it's gonna sound Ruth than we all heard the door bell

Oh great now she's here oh man what to do what to do

Krillin:Where you expecting people Bulma

Goku:Oh really than I wonder who it is

Vegeta: Shouldn't you go open for your so called guest

I wanted to scold Vegeta but I had no time oh man I left her standing infront of our door
When I opened I saw Arian and two girls who look alike but different hair style and hair colour

Arian:Hi Bulma I hope you don't mind if I bring my kids

Bulma:No not at all hi there girls

Ouma:Hi nice to meet you I'm Ouma and can I say Wow your pretty

Bulma:Why thank you

Shelly:I'm Shelly

There was a moment of silence and the three of us was looking at Shelly odly

Arian:Sorry Bulma Shelly is not much of a talker

Bulma:No it's ok

Shelly:Are we gonna stand out here all day or are you letting us in because I did not come here just to stand outside someone's door

Bulma:Uuh sorry come in where are my manners

Arian:Shelly watch your mouth

Shelly:I'll try but no promises

There was a tense atmosphere between Arian and Shelly

Ouma:Well you have a lovely home

Ouma said trying to ease the atmosphere

Bulma:Well if you come here you'll meet my family and friends

The moment everyone saw them they started greeting them and welcoming them with open arms except for vegeta and Shelly for sure even trunks and goten greeted them

Bulma:She is our partner in capsule corps

Arian:Hi it's nice to meet all of you oh Shelly and Ouma why don't you go play with trunks and goten

Goten:The more the merrier

Trunks:Yeah and it's gonna be fun

Shelly:If you say so

The kids went to the ground and start playing goten and Ouma already became friends while trunks found it impossible to impress Shelly

Goten:Your really fun to be around with

Ouma:Oh really thanks the only person I've been around is Shelly

Goten:Oh I know how it feels me too with trunks

Ouma:Me and you are going to get along just fine

Meanwhile with trunks

Trunks:Uh so....

Trunks can't think of any topic that Shelly would like

Shelly:Your terrible at starting up a conversation you know that

Trunks:If you think it's easy than you start one

Shelly:Love too but I don't want to waste my breathe on you briefs

Than Shelly start walking of to sit under a tree all by herself until trunks came to her

Trunks:Hey wanna play catch

Shelly:(sigh)Fine you are so annoying

To be continued
Will Shelly and trunks have a good friendship or not and will goten and Ouma keep ignoring both of them so they can enjoy some alone time for themselves

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