Episode 5

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What Ouma is wearing

What Shelly is wearing

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What Shelly is wearing

Ouma pov
Mom sent me and Shelly to the store to buy some groceries I don't know why send us if your the second rich women in the world but I don't like to judge or jump to conclusions but for Shelly is a whole different story well now we're in the store

Ouma:What's first on the list


Ouma:Oh ok than flour here we come!!😁😁

Shelly:Why you so happy 🤨?

Ouma: Because I get to spend time with my twin sister


Ouma:Is everything alright Shelly?

Shelly:Why do you want to spend time with me😔?

Ouma: Because I love you

Shelly:But why love me?

Ouma: Because you are my first idol and you inspire me I secretly look up to you (blush) 

Shelly:☺️(blush)Ouma i-

Before Shelly could finish her sentences an alarm went off and the store was in lockdown, many people were panicking including Ouma

Ouma:Shelly I-

Shelly:Stay behind me


Shelly:Dont worry I'll protect you

Ouma:B-b-ut S-s-shelly  why

Shelly:Cause your my family, my sister and your someone worth fighting for

I went behind Shelly and saw 5 guys wearing black told everyone to kneel down, they had a knife and others had a gun just seeing them I was so scared and held Shelly's long sleeve than I felt a hand on me and noticed it was Shelly's hand trying to calm me down and it worked I felt calmed

Trunks/Goten x reader(s) Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora