Chapter Eighteen: Doom Signal

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Edited: 19/10/2022

[Beau Foster]

All of us were at school, and saw Brody and Levi.

Brody wraps his arm around me, and Levi did the same with Liam.

"So, did we miss it?" Levi asked.

"Nope, you're just in time." Liam replied.

"Calvin, is the one who's late as usual. He's supposed to help me rehearse an hour ago." Hayley said.

"Yeah, he was late." I said.

Calvin came rushing toward us. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry." He said, and pecks Hayley's cheek. "My car was having engine troubles. I had to fix it before I could leave." He said.

"You could've got a taxi." Hayley said. "I needed your help. Did you at least bring my props?" She asked.

"Your props? I left them right by the front door, and then I forgot." Calvin said. "I'm sorry, Hales. I'm sure you'll be great without them. It's just one little audition anyway." He said.

"Actually, it's a pretty big deal. They say the show is gonna be worldwide." Preston said.

I tried to signal for Preston to stop.

"Preston!" Calvin whispered.

"He's right. Maybe I'll be less nervous if someone had helped me." Hayley said.

"But, I-I'm-" Calvin said, but was interrupted.

"Next, number one-forty-six." The TV producer called.

"That's me." Hayley said, and all of us cheered for her. Hayley got on stage and begins her audition. She finished her audition and got off the stage.

"I think I did well." Hayley said.

"That was awesome." Preston said, and he high-fived her.

All of us agreed.

Next the TV producer called for Victor and Monty. The both of them begin their audition. Victor hit Monty's knee with a hammer and Monty kicked him on reflexes.

Some of us gasped, and some of us laughed.

Next Victor pressed a button and the bed folded with Monty in it. Monty ended up bouncing off the bed and falling onto the ground.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what Monty did wrong." Victor said, and Monty looks at him confused.

The TV producer closed his book and stood up. "You two are real clowns. That's perfect for my show." He said, and Victor laughed. "We're done here. The rest of you can go home. No one will beat these two showbiz geniuses." He said.

"What? I can't believe it!" Hayley said.

"Boys, you're about to become superstars. Follow me, we're on a schedule." The TV producer said, and he left with Victor and Monty.

"I was much better than them right, Cal?" Hayley asked.

"Well actually, I mean they were pretty funny." Calvin said.

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