Chapter Fourteen: Car Trouble

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Edited: 18/10/2022

A/N: I find Joe's actor attractive, and the fact that he plays Void Knight in Dino Fury makes it so much better.

[Beau Foster]

We all were walking to the common area and Calvin was telling us about him, and a mechanic fixing a lady's car.

Brody and I were holding hands. Levi had his arm around Liam.

"And, bam. We fixed that lady's car in no time. It was so awesome." Calvin said.

"Really?" Brody asked.

"Yeah. And, Joe offered me a job." Calvin said, and all of us were shocked.

"What? Right on the spot?" Hayley asked. Calvin nodded. "That's amazing, Cal." She said, and hugs him.

"I guess Joe knows a good thing when he sees it." Sarah said.

"So, I said yes and I'm gonna be working for Joe's Towing full-time." Calvin said, as he held up a shirt.

"Um, what about school?" Levi asked.

"You know it's important right?" Liam asked.

"Oh, I'm done. I'm quitting." Calvin said.

All of us were shocked.

"Hi, can I have a banana smoothie, please?" Calvin asked, at the Snack Stop.

"What- babe, you're not even close to being done with high school." Hayley said.

"Hales, it's my dream to be a pro-mechanic, and here's my chance. Besides, you know that I'm not great at school. It's kinda tough for me." Calvin said.

"Just because school's tough doesn't mean you should give up. I mean no pain no gain, remember?" Preston asked.

"Sorry but, being a mechanic is my passion. And Joe says that I know enough and I'm ready." Calvin said.

"Here you go." The woman said, handing Calvin his banana smoothie, he thanked her as he grabs it.

"Are you sure about this?" Hayley asked.

"Yes, guys, guys. I'm sure. Please, support me." Calvin said, and his phone rang. "Ah shoot, I have to go meet Joe, he said the phones been ringing off the hooks with broken down cars. I'll see you guys later." He pecks Hayley's cheek, and left.


All of us were at the junkyard training in our Ninja Suits.

"Hey, guys." Calvin greeted, as he came in.

"Oh, hey." Brody said.

"Sorry, I'm late, today was none-stop. Thanks." Calvin thanked Mick, as he grabs his Star Blade from him.

"But, you do look happy Mr. Real-Deal-Mechanic." Hayley said.

"Thanks. Yeah, today was busy but it was so great. But the weird thing is most of the car that we fixed today had the same issue." Calvin said.

"What do you mean?" Preston asked.

"Uh, their electrical systems are totally fried." Calvin said.

"Isn't that a common problem for Earth cars?" Mick asked.

"Not really, no." Calvin said.

"Interesting." Mick said.

"What is it Mick?" Levi asked.

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