Dead Jocks (WARNING: GRAPHIC) (🌿)

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Veronica Sawyer was stepping through the woods on s cold dark night.

But suddenly... her foot hit something rock-hard. But it wasn't a rock. And it wasn't a tree stump or a giant mushroom or anything else she thought it might be. It was...

Ram Sweeney.

A chill went down Veronica's spine, along with a bug that she quickly swatted off before it went down her skirt. Why was Ram's body here...? He'd been buried. Along with...

Veronica screamed. "KURT?!"

The two dead jocks lay before her, eyes still open in panic, skin and all beginning to rot. Veronica started to feel sick, but she didn't turn and run. She didn't hide. Instead, she sat down... and started to sing to them.

"You were the worst people in my life, pretty much," she sang. "But... then JD killed you, and idk why you're here but at least you're dead... oh, and there was another worst person: JD... but at least yyou're dead... and so is he..."

Veronica stopped singing and sighed. Improvising was hard.

She stared down at the disgusting corpses, limbs barely attached. Without realizing what she was doing, she ran a hand over Kurt'sgunshot wound. Barely noticeable, but she could still feel some dried blood in the mess.

Suddenly she was hungry.

No, Veronica, she scolded herself. Don't eat anything here. It's probably all poisonous.

So she sat. And she tried to distract herself from the hunger. But then she got an idea.

Nooo, she said again. They're already dead. I'd get nothing from...

From eating them.

But she didn't have the chance to give in and eat the bodies, because she heard a growling behind her.

So she turned around. And screamed immediately.

There, walking up to her with an even more mangled appearance, was Heather Chandler. As a zombie.

It didn't take long at all for Veronica to realize what was going to happen. Of course the zombie would want her, the live, healthy human with functioning organs as opposed to these rotten, pale piles of bones.

But she tried anyway. She tried to hide behind a tree and leave the already-dead bodies for Chandler to eat instead. But obviously Heather refused them, as all their delicious organs were dead—or "overripe"—and, well, you wouldn't want to eat another human at all, would you? Imagine how she felt.

Anyway, she tore down the tree and Veronica tried to run, but tripped. She knew what was going to happen. She was going to die right here, a few feet from the bodies of fucking rapists, from a zombie—whom she herself had killed—eating her to death.

So there was only one thing she could do.

She didn't eat any of the forest's plants.

She didn't eat Kurt and Ram.

She ate Chandler.

The way she did this is, before the zombie could attack her, Veronica bit into her arm instead. Yes, it tasted horrible, being rotten flesh, obviously. But Veronica was so hungry and desperate to stay alive that she didn't care. So she slurped the disgusting remains from her ex-friend's hollow skeleton. Then, it came to her. What she needed to do next.

The skeleton itself.

She quickly ate Chandler's teeth so the dead girl (walking) couldn't retaliate and chomp down on Veronica. And just as Veronica was about to dig into the rest, she heard...



She turned around in a panic, seeing Kurt and Ram as zombies, in their underwear, making their way past the torn-down tree. Oh no, thought Veronica. They're going to eat me... aren't they?

So what she did shocked even herself. She needed to die before they got to her. So she picked up the sharpest of Chandler's bones she could find and ran.

She ran about three miles before stopping, knowing that the jock zombies would eventually get to her and eat her. Which is why she stabbed herself in the shoulder with the sharp bone, hoping to bleed out.

So. Then Ram and Kurt appeared. Veronica could barely see them through her half-alive fog. She could feel Heather's bone jammed into her own, and it hurt. She lay over the leaves in a pool of her own blood, helpless and still.

But the blood attracted someone else.

Jason Dean, who had somehow become a vampire.

The zombies simultaneously let out growl-like screams, and began to run. JD didn't care. He had blood to drink.

And so he knelt down next to the dead bleeding corpse, but then realized who it was.

It was Veronica.

In all of JD's career as a vampire, nothing stopped him. Not even his grandmother, his mom's mom, who had always been dear to him. When she got a paper cut that one Sunday—it was all over. But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to suck this young girl's blood.

Veronica was the love of his life. Even though she was dead, he couldn't do it.

It was his character arc.

And so, he suddenly tore out his fangs and ditched the black cape. His skin turned from pale white to its normal peach. He wasn't a vampire anymore.

And as soon as the zombies knew this, they came back and immediately ate him to shreds.

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