"Tae, listen to me please. I-I broke up with that guy! I can't go on without you, please!" Hee-Young tried begging, she went to reach out to him but he took a step back, eyes glaring at her hand then her face.

"Get the hell away from me, you disgust me." His scowl got deeper and he turned around, decided to take the longer way just to avoid her.

"W-wait, Taehyung! Kim Taehyung, can't you see that I was just jealous of her?! I tried ignoring it but I just couldn't help myself!!" She yelled after him, he rolled his eyes at the stupid excuse. Just who in the right mind would cheat just because they were jealous?

"Yeah, yeah and I'm a goddamn fish." He turned his head slightly to glare at her, he was getting tired of her trying to come up with excuses for her actions.

"Kang Hana loves you! There was no way I could stand her, clinging onto you when I'm right there!!" Hee-Young's eyes were tearing up, her cheeks red from anger. She was desperate to ruin their friendship, even though Hana and Taehyung were already as close as they were before she came into his life.

"This delusional bitch, I swear to god." He cursed, he was starting to get pissed especially since she mentioned Hana's name. Kim Taehyung's anger was not to be taken lightly, especially when his friends are getting insulted.

"I know she loves you, the way she acts around you is enough for me to know-" She got cut off when Taehyung finally turned around fully to glare at her. He walked towards her and stared down at her with a nasty glare.


"Shut up. You're pissing me off, every time that mouth of yours open, I just want to make sure you never see the sun again." He smiled at her, her eyes widen at his words and her mouth opened to try and defend herself or question him but she couldn't.

"The moment Hana's name came out of your mouth, I decided that if I ever hear you say those kind of words again I will, without a doubt make sure you don't appear in front of me again." His voice was calm, yet his eyes were glaring at her so hard that she started having a hard time thinking or even breathing.

"Get lost, Lee Hee-Young."

Hee-Young took a step back and turned around, walking faster to get out of his sight. When she disappeared, he sighed and rolled his eyes. Taehyung had made threats like that in the past before, though they always worked with just him saying those words once.

'Hana loves me? Of course she does, what was she talking about?' He thought about it but shook his head and walked off, he didn't believe what she said one bit.

Not at all

"My head hurts." Taehyung whined and rested his head directly on the table while facing towards Jungkook.

"Hyung, did you stay up late or something?" The younger one beside him asked, resting his chin on his hand and looked at him curiously with a bit of concern.

"Nah, I ran into some wicked witch of the west." He replied, closing his eyes and focused on calming his thoughts.

"What? It's not halloween though?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at his statement, he was confused at what Taehyung had just told him.

"Don't worry about it, Kook-ah." Taehyung opened his eyes and smiled at him. Jungkook only tilted his head sideways in confusion but shrugged.

Taehyung sat up straight again and watched Hana work around the counter, she had arrived with Jungkook and changed clothes in the backroom where their lockers were. He watched as she chat with Yoongi and his mind thought back to Hee-Young's words.

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