• Modern // chappy 6

Start from the beginning

"I wonder if that crash, will their be a rain of blood?" Robin commented, amusement on her face, causing everyone to think, 'what a scary woman' as they sweat dropped.

"Robin, don't forget that's us riding!" the coward trio exclaimed, hugging each other while shaking.

"Even in the modern world, Marimo needed someone to show him where to go," Sanji teased Zoro.

"Che, just tell me the truth, you don't know how to ride that one curly brow," Zoro teased back, making Sanji's siblings twitch in annoyance because of the 'curly brow' word, but it didn't go unnoticed by their sister, who just snickered.

When Sanji hears his rival's remark, he bursts into flames, "Huh what did you say shitty marimo?!?" and he and Zoro lunges to each other but to their demise they meets the end of Nami's fist.


"Haha so funny anyway, let's continue!" Yuweh laughs, enjoying the scene and retrieving everyone's attention.

Of course the first person to react was shanks, "Pft— DAHAHAHAHAHA #HAWKYLEAVETHEEARTH" Shanks was laughing hard while pointing at the scene and was rolling on the floor

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Of course the first person to react was shanks, "Pft— DAHAHAHAHAHA #HAWKYLEAVETHEEARTH" Shanks was laughing hard while pointing at the scene and was rolling on the floor.

While poor Mihawk here have a 'kill me now' expression on his face.

"Woah our little crocodile here is scared fuffuffuffu" Doflamingo teased with a mocking laughed making crocodile go red in embarrassment.

"You guys lost all to oyabin who was looking as if nothing happened" Usopp stated flatly.

"Ehhhhh I want to try that too!!" Luffy whined, who didn't even bother to leave beside his dad.

"Luffy you're still so childish" Ace remarked wanting to see his reaction, but Sabo interrupted, "Says that one who just misplaced his hat and was already crying hard~"

"HEY!" Ace shouted, then both brothers clashed their foreheads before they could say anything, Marco and Thatch grabbed their collars and bumped their heads.

"It-te" Sabo and Ace voice out together while rubbing their small bumps.

"Sigh... idiots, what should I do with the both of you?" Marco sighed in defeat.

"Ahh how cute Shi— hahahaha," Yuweh snickered.

"Next~" She said clicking the next button.

"Next~" She said clicking the next button

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