"Jesus Matilde you look just like her.", He said, breathing heavily. I just sat back in surprise not saying a word. Lucian and Millian also looked pretty shaken up. Millian then got out of the car, dragging me by the arm with him.

"What are you doing dude?", I asked in confusion.

"You can walk, it's only about half an hour by walk", He said with a cold expression.

"What?! But its ten minutes by car!", I said in complete shock.

"Sorry but we just can't look at you right now", He said with no emotion. He then got into the car and they all drove off, with me stood in the middle of the road with my hands in the air. Whatever. I can walk if they want me to walk. I shoved my hands into my pocket before stopping for a second.

Technically they didn't say I had to go back to the house, they said go for a walk. 

This is the perfect time to check out the woods and that small river that I saw before. I headed off in that direction. I was walking for a long time when I looked for my phone. It was in my back pocket but to be honest I didn't wanna call them. Oh well, they told me to get out of the car, therefore they can deal with me coming home late. There was a town in the distance which looked like a few miles walk.

Might as well get something to eat. I had brought my wallet with me which was pure luck. Maybe I could get a lift back to the house anyway from someone in town. Ooh maybe I might get kidnapped! I laughed to myself at that thought and started the very long walk into town.

It took about an hour or so, and there were loads of signs telling me what paths to take so it wasn't that hard to get there. I walked into the centre where there was about twenty or so shops all lined up together, some clothes shops, some charity one and a few cafe's dotted about. I headed into the charity shops and looked around a little bit.

My ribs started to hurt again so I knew to stop in the local pharmacy as I didn't want to be in pain until I got back 'home'. It was about 4 ish now so I would head back at around 6 to get back at like half 7 or something. They probably don't even know I'm not there. I walked around the town and grabbed the drugs. I took a few and walked around a little more until I head into one of the small cafe's.

"Heya there hun, what can I get for you?", Middle-aged woman, with flaming purple hair and an extremely curvy figure asked me. I smiled at her with joy, finally meeting someone that I could stomach and talk too.

"Hi! Um, can I get a hot chocolate?", I asked. She nodded with a smile. I walked over to one of the tables and sat down waiting. I was staring out the window when I saw a very familiar face. Nah, it couldn't be right? Lucy said he was on holiday with his father, I noticed four other boys following him and messing around in the road.

Oh hell no.

I got my phone out and dialled Lucy's number. It rang for a bit before she picked up.

"Hello how can I help you?", She said delicately into the phone. I rolled my eyes knowing full well she saved my number into her phone.

"Lucy! Why can I see your brother across the road from me?!", I asked her quickly. I heard her try to conceal her laughter before coughing.

"Because that's where he lives, small world hey? Maybe it's meant to be!", She said. I could see her smirking right now.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys use to live where we were going?!", I practically screamed into the phone, grabbing the attention of a few people beside me, in which they gave me a sharp look as I gave them a wave of apology.

"Maybe I wanted it to be a surprise! Have fun at school as well by the way.", She said with a giggle. Holy shit I had forgotten about school all together. I groaned at the thought of sitting in a classroom all day with Michael and his weird ass friends. 

"Lucy I swear to god I shall kill you one day, and you will never see it coming! No! In fact I'll wake you up first so you see it coming THEN kill you!", I said with a furious voice, in which she just laughed again.

"Have fun with that then, I need to go, plane to catch!", She said cheerfully before hanging up the phone, not waiting for my response. This is not what was suppose to happen, I was suppose to go to school and be a loner, with no friends and NO attention, and something about this boy screamed attention.

I mean even looking at him now playing on the corner, every single person who passes them stares, every girl blushes and looks down as they all smirk at their reactions to them. They are extremely annoying, I mean last time they chased me up a hill. Where am I going to run to now?

"Here we are!", The purple lady said, making me flinch out of shock. She looked worried for a second before replacing it with a smile. I was use to it with the teachers at school, I'm pretty sure they all suspected something but never ever reported it. Assholes.

"Thank you", I said with a smile. She nodded and went back to the counter. I took a swift drink of the hot chocolate and it was like heaven! I drank more and more of it, before it was all gone. I felt warm on the outside and on the inside now! I looked at the time and realised it was now half 6. Shit.

Eh they probably don't even know I'm gone. Like that one time I snuck out to the bridge to play the stick game, dad was too busy drunk and passed out on the sofa to even acknowledge me. I payed for the food, and left a large tip as I liked the woman quite a lot, and headed back to my house. I snuck past Michael and the others so they didn't see me, as they wrestled on the sidewalk and smoked.

It was a very long walk before I managed to get to the driveway of the house. I saw William stood, looking frantically out of the gates. When I was in eye-sight, he ran straight for me and caught be off guard by pulling me into a huge hug. I stood there confused. He then pulled out and held on to either side of my arms and was staring right at me.

"Are you okay?!", He asked gently, but I could still sense the panic.

"I'm fine Willie, why?", I asked confused. He sighed in relief as he let go of me and put his hands on his hips.

"Well where the hell were you?!", He asked, more angry this time. I looked down not being able to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I just got lost", I said and looked up to him with the best puppy eyes I could muster. He sighed in defeat after a moment and pulled me into another hug.

"Don't scare me like that kid, your brothers have been going crazy", He said. I looked at him with surprise.

"Really?", I asked. Huh well that's a first for sure. He just nodded.

"Go on in pet, and please keep the sass down a level or two, I have never seen them so angry and frightened in my entire time of being with them", He said with a pity smile.

"It's fine Willie, have a nice night", I said with a smile and headed into the house. I took my shoes off and rubbed my feet, which now had giant blisters covering them. 

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!", Stone yelled.


I'm writing the next chapter now so I'll try to be as quick as I can.

Anyway, planning on getting her a pet of some sort, most likely a kitten, what colour should it be and names suggestions? <3

The Forgotten ChildOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant