𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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When you and Atsumu return to Inarizaki, you meet up with Osamu and Suna who have just come out of their meeting with Kita. You begin by explaining what happened at Shiratorizawa, and then Atsumu asks them how their meeting went.

"Well," Osamu nods. "It did take some convincing, but the boss agreed to it in the end."

"I'm glad," you tell him. "Semi wants to meet up one week from today."

"Is that really a good idea?" Suna questions. "Should we really be merging the two gangs like this?"

"It's the only way to stop the bloodshed," Atsumu sighs. "I don't want anyone else to die... And I've already been shot two fuckin' times!"

"The idiot's not wrong," Osamu reluctantly agrees. "The merge won't change much in our day-to-day lives, but it will give us more overall benefits like regaining the land that was stolen from us."

"Alright," Suna sighs, "whatever. As long as they don't try and kill us anymore."

Atsumu nods in agreement. "We should go in and explain what Semi told Y/N so Kita's caught up."

The three of you agree and walk together to Kita's office. There, Atsumu explains to his boss that you went to Shiratorizawa under his supervision and talked to the new boss. Surprisingly, Kita looks more impressed than he does pissed or worried as per his usual expressions. And instead, he actually manages to thank you! You can feel your eyes nearly bug out of your head as you watch his lips form the two words you never thought you'd hear him say to you.

There's also nearly pushed out of your head as Atsumu throws his arm around you, applying quite a bit of pressure as a huge grin spreads across his face. "See, I told you Y/N would be useful. You're finally starting to see things from my perspective!" Atsumu beams.

Kita nods stoically. "If this goes smoothly, there will be a place for you at Inarizaki, Y/N."

"Eh?! Are you serious?" you ask, thinking that perhaps the man before you isn't actually the same Kita you've previously met.

Once again, he nods without much emotion.

"Man, Y/N, you'll be so busy, having two jobs and all," Atsumu beams, "you better not forget about me!"

"Wait? You'll let me stay with Shiratorizawa as well?" you question.

"Since the two groups as merging, I don't see why not," Kita answers. "Besides, even if you do work for idiots, you'll still come back here and be somewhat competent... And even if you aren't, you'll have intel you can provide to me with if you want to keep your job here."

"That's the spirit, Shin-"

"Shut the hell up, you pain in my ass!"

Exactly one week later you drive Kita, Atsumu, and Omimi to Shiratorizawa

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Exactly one week later you drive Kita, Atsumu, and Omimi to Shiratorizawa. As you arrive, you stop the car just outside the front doors. Then, looking through the rearview mirror you see Kita sigh as though he has something way more important he could be doing right now.

"Yo, Y/N," Atsumu's voice then calls quietly from the seat beside you. "After the meeting I want to talk to you 'bout something."

"Okay," you smile.

The four of you then step out of the car and walk onto the paved walkway up to the building. There, Kawanishi and Tendou open the large set of doors. Behind them stands Semi who steps forward and bows politely to Kita.

"Thank you for coming all this way out here, Mr. Kita," Semi formally speaks. "I am Semi Eita, the new head of Shiratorizawa."

As Kita bows back, you notice Kawanishi and Tendou glaring daggers at him. However, as Tendou's eyes catch with yours they seem to soften a bit. He lets out a small smile as if he's just remembered why he was so on board with this to begin with.

After the introductions are over, you follow behind Kita and Omimi into Shiratorizawa. As you pass through the halls, you realize that some of the others pass him dirty looks. Luckily, Kita's able to keep his head up and trudge through all the while.

When you spot your green-haired friend in the crowd, she waves at you and you pass her a small wave back. A quick "hi" is then mouthed from his lips as you walk past.

"That the one who helped you out?" Atsumu whispers from behind you.

You nod with a small grin creeping along your lips.

"Make sure she gets my thanks, alright?"

"Will do."

Once your group arrives at the meeting room, Nori steps in just behind Atsumu. You take a seat beside her towards the opposite end of the table as Kita and Semi.

"I can't believe you actually convinced them to do this!" she whispers.

"I know!" you nod, "This merge will do everybody some good."

"You're right and it's incredible," she hums.

The men then begin the meeting with Tendou starting off saying a few words that come off as more nonsense than anything else. You and Nori tune him out as you wait for the meeting to move on.

"Hey, uh, before I got here, Atsumu said he wanted to speak with me after the meeting," you whisper to your friend. "What do you think that could be about?"

"No idea," she shakes her head. "You got any clues?"


"Hm... Has he ever made it official with you yet?" she then asks.

"No," you shrug, "but it was never really necessary. I guess we both just kinda knew, you know? Anyway, I already told him that I love him... He said it, too."

"No way," she beams as she attempts to hold herself back from getting too excited for you. "I'm so happy for you, Y/N! I don't think you should be worried about whatever he's going to talk to you about. I bet it'll be a good thing!"

"I hope so," you smile. "Oh, and by the way, he told me to thank you for helping me out last week, getting in here and all."

"Wow," she chuckles. "He's got manners, too. Sounds perfect for you, Y/N. I approve."

You smile at her genuine words and nudge her playfully in the arm.

Next, it's Atsumu's turn to say a few words and he, too, says utter nonsense. You can't help but wonder if Atsumu and Tendou would get along...

A little while later, Kita and Semi are finally presented with the treaty papers. Tendou and Atsumu crack down on business and do a fairly decent job at explaining how the papers are going to form an alliance and merge Shiratorizawa and Inarizaki together to work hand-in-hand from here on out as two heads of two branches. And finally, the papers are signed.

The moment after Kita and Semi sign the paper and bow, Tendou pops a champagne bottle. Everyone's given a glass and as the volume in the room spikes, you toast with Nori.

"Hey, I think now would be a good time to talk to Atsumu," she hums.

"You're right," you nod a bit nervously. "Be right back."

"Go get 'em, girl!"

"Go get 'em, girl!"

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{INFILTRATION} Atsumu Miya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now