𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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"Why the hell are we still here?" Osamu sighs as he lights a cigarette.

"The boss'll come out any second. Just be patient!"

The two of you have been out on that rooftop watching the lab for quite some time now. It's no wonder to you why he's getting antsy.

Osamu exhales his smoke and peers down towards where Atsumu's taken cover. "He's not here, Y/N. There's no point in sticking around any longer."

"He always comes to the lab on Sunday afternoon, this doesn't make any sense," you whisper aloud.

"Yeah, not this time," he scoffs.

"I wonder if it has to do with signing Sakusa?" you ask half-mindedly as you point the sniper into the building windows to see if you can find anyone in there.

"I wonder if it has anything to do with you," he adds.

You pull your head away from the sniper and gaze over at Osamu curiously. Maybe he's right. Could Ushijima have known you were going to plan this?

"You wanna hit?" Osamu asks to break the awkward silent stare you're passing his way.

"No thanks," you sigh as you look back through the scope.

"Your loss," he shrugs.

Suddenly, you hear the faint buzzing of a phone. Osamu reaches for his pocket. At the same time, you watch Atsumu place something into the side of his coat.

"Got a text from 'Tsumu," he tells you.

"What's it say?" you ask as you continue to keep your eye on Atsumu, not looking away.

"Says the Shiratorizawa boss was a no show. Big shocker there," he huffs.

"Fine," you sigh, "Since you're so damn grumpy we can leave once 'Tsumu does."

Once those words fall from your mouth, there's a soft noise of something wooshing through the air. It's too quick for you to take your eyes off of Atsumu and it's a good thing you don't because the next thing you notice is blood shooting into the air. His thigh has just been shot. Quickly, he bends over to cover the wound and disappears around a corner.

"Holy shit! He's shot!" you gasp.

"What?!" Osamu asks shocked as he sits up and peers over the half wall covering the two of you. His eyes widen when he sees the smallest bit of his brother taking cover on the side of a building. 

The two of you watch as Atsumu sinks down against the building wall and catches his breath. He pulls out something from his coat again. This time you can tell for sure that it's his phone.

"I'm getting a call," Osamu says as he digs for his phone again.

As he answers the call, you begin to look around the area to locate where the shot came from. Eventually you do, spotting the shine of another sniper from the roof of the lab. 

"We're already here," Osamu admits to his brother over the phone. "Y/N's about to take care of that other sniper."

"I have a visual," you breathe as you begin to focus in on your target.

"Good," he nods. "Finish them off."

As you focus on the person, your eyes widen as you see who it is; Ushijima himself. You're completely shocked that he came to something like this personally, let alone is the only one here. He must have decided to do this of his own volition.

You take a breath as you decide whether you're actually going to do this or not. He was a horrible leader, you remind yourself, many times you've heard your friends complain or spread rumors. It's not that he is intrinsically evil, he just has a very poor way of showing affection. It's not enough to prove him kill-worthy. Besides, what the hell makes you the judge of his life.

Your heart races and beats out of your chest as you try to think of what you should do. You could always just shoot him so he can't move. But if you did, then Osamu would probably finish the job for you. Either way, you can feel him burning daggers into your soul as he waits for you to make up your mind.

Each time something happened in your life, Ushijima always seems to take it one step too far. When he was so-called "rescuing" you from Inarizaki, he almost had you burnt alive in the car with Ojiro and Riseki. 

That bastard never even cared about you or anyone else besides himself. He wanted you to be content as his little pet, filling roles that weren't assigned to you and you had no right to fill, even forcing Nori to leave and manipulating her the second she got back. Not to mention all the other fucked-up bullshit he did to Kita, Atsumu, and the other members of Inarizaki. 

You're done with him. Ushijima should not be the head of Shiratorizawa!

With one last breath, you pull back on the trigger and release one of the 7.62 bullets that Osamu packet for you. And it's a perfect hit, striking the (now former) Shiratorizawa boss in the middle of his forehead. He immediately falls backward onto the concrete roofing he had been kneeling on.

You watch with the tiniest of smiles on your face as the blood spreads from his body. You're still in complete disbelief that you actually did it; that you were the one to finish him off instead of Atsumu.

"'Tsumu..." His name is the first word that escapes your lips once Ushijima's body falls to the ground and disappears from view.

You pull yourself away from the sniper and dash towards the building stairwell, leaving behind a completely stunned Osamu on the top of the roof alone. 

"Holy crap," he mutters to his brother on the other side of the phone. "I didn't think she was actually gonna do that."

"What'd I tell you, 'Samu," Atsumu's voice chuckles weakly through the phone, "That's my girl."


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