Chapter II

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"Coming through!" A blonde kid yelled, running past us. He ran to a trash can and threw up in it.

"Guess the view isn't for everyone." Six said.

The gunship landed and we filed out. Ozpin had taken Six and Emile's armor. He said he'd pass it on to some engineers to repair it.

He gave them some new tactical gear to use until their armor could be fixed.

We walked into the courtyard outside of Beacon and stood there for a couple of minutes until we heard an explosion. I looked over and saw the girl in red from last night arguing with a girl in white.

"Ah shit." I said. I followed Six over to where the girls were.

"Hey hey hey what's going on over here?" Six asked, walking up.

"This dunce almost killed us both!" The girl in white said.

The girl in red got up and started backing away. "It was an accident!"

Six knelt down. "Hey. Hey hey hey. Calm down."

"Do you know who I am!?" The girl in white shouted. I glared at her.

"Nope. Nor do I care."

"Weiss Schnee." A girl in black said, walking up. "Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company."

"Finally some recognition." Weiss humphed.

"Known for its shady business practices and Faunus labor."

Weiss gaped at the girl.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Blake Belladonna. Nice to meet you." She walked away.

"She's weird."

"I feel like I know Ruby..." Six said walking up behind me.

"Little red riding hood?"

"Yeah. Her name is Ruby."



The next day, we were standing up on a hillside, listening to Oz give a speech.

I wasn't really listening, but I did hear "The first person you make eye contact with becomes your partner for the next four years."

But it came as a surprise when I was LAUNCHED OFF OF THE CLIFF.

I just thought fuck it and stabbed my fighting knife into a tree. The Torque should have pulled my arm off, but it didn't. Perks of being a Spartan.

I tugged down on the knife and slid down the tree to the ground. Draugr had torn off of it's sling and was stuck in the ground via the chainsaw in front.

I plugged in my earbuds and started playing music. Coincidentally, the song I was thinking of listening to, "Right Now" by KoRN started playing immediately.

I tore Draugr out of the ground and started towards the marked location on my mini-map.

"Hey asshole." I heard Ben say. "I could use some help here."

I looked up into a tree and saw Ben hanging there by one of his climbing picks.

"You idiot." I laughed. I threw my knife and cut his pick off of the tree.

"Guess we're partners now." He said.

"Shame. I wanted some time away from you."

"Stupid fucker!" I heard Emile yell. He crashed through the foliage above us and hit the ground on his feet. "I swear when I get out of here, I'll fuck you up!"

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