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I woke up to the iconic riff from Children of Bodom's "Are you dead yet?" being blasted into my ear. I slammed my fist through the speaker, which was right next to my ear.

"Ima fuckin kill whoever set that up." I opened my eyes to see Ben, Sophie, and Emile standing next to my bunk. Emile was filming in his scroll, and Ben BURST out laughing.

Sophie was next, and Emile doubled over.

"Actually, I love that fucking song. Keep going." I smiled.

"Get up headass." Sophie said. "You've been out for an hour."

"I missed class?"

"Yeah. History."

"So what the hell did I do?"

"According to Goodwytch, you unlocked your semblance."

"My what?"

"Basically it's a superpower. Everyone's is unique."

"Where's Six?"

"Bathroom." Emile said.

Ben finally stopped wheezing on the floor and stood up. "Bruh. That speaker cost me 30 Lien."

I stood up and stretched. "Maybe you shouldn't have been a dumbass then."

 The door opened and Ren from team JNPR poked his head in. "Six. Ozpin wants to see you."

We looked at Six. "Go." 

Six walked out the door and I turned to my team. "Wanna go see what that's about?"

Sophie and Emile nodded. Ben looked at us. "Y'all are way too good at getting in other's business."

"This is a security risk." Emile said.

Ben caved. "Good point. I'm coming with."

I pulled my plate carrier and helmet on. "I have an idea of how to climb that tower."

Sophie pulled her gloves on. "Shoot."

I stabbed my knife through the wall of the tower. "Sophie, you hooked in?"

She planted her foot on one of the bricks. "Affirmative."

Emile and Ben flashed their lights green. I tore my knife out and planted it back in two feet above me. Ben bounded up like a monkey with his climbing spikes. 

"Fuck it." I said. I sheathed my knife and started climbing with my bare hands. 

One wrong step and my foot slipped. The torque made my hand slip and I fell. Sophie caught my hand and pulled me up. "Try not to die, asshole."

I smiled at her and bounded up the wall again, ahead of the rest of my team.

"Hey Will!" Ben yelled. "Slow down, I'm not trying to die!"

I hung off of a brick and waited for my team. Ben and Sophie pulled up right alongside me.

Emile pulled himself up to a foothold and panted. "Never again."

"We've got a bit left to go." Sophie said. "You can manage, no?"


"Guys..." I started. "I didn't really think this through."

"Huh?" Ben asked.

"How the fuck are we supposed to get down from here."

"Shhhhit." Said Emile.

"Get the hell up here." We heard a voice say.

We looked up to see Six poking his head out of the window. We pulled ourselves up and fell to the floor, panting.

"You realize I sent for you?" Ozpin said.

"You did?" Sophie asked, rubbing her head.

"Yes. This conversation includes you." He looked over at Ruby, who was sitting in a chair. "As is Mrs. Rose here."

Ruby smiled and waved.

"Spartans." Ozpin said. "We may have found your armor."

"Just show them to us." I said, sitting into a chair.

Our MJOLNIR MKVI GEN 2 armor was wheeled through the door, fully intact.

We walked over to our armor, in almost a trance-like state. I stared into the visor and saw my hazel eyes staring back.

"Let's get these on."


Five hours later, we had our armor on. Piece by piece, bit by bit.

I flexed my hands. "Good to be back.

A voice sounded from inside my armor. A deep, British voice. "It's good to have you back, Captain."

I almost jumped out of muscle, skin, and armor. "Eddie!"

Combined Arms (HALO x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now