Daily Coffee Intake

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Ming POV:

I look up as the cafe door opens and I see the regular customer came in with his book and a backpack early in the morning . He comes in everyday at 8 and orders the same, "good morning sir, the usual?" " Yes please, and don't call me sir, I feel weird, just p' is fine you know i am regular here" he said and laughed, "okay p'! Your order is coming right up. Take a seat while you wait" i said and started preparing the order, he said a small okay and took his regular seat at the corner and started reading his book like usual.

 It's always the same. He would come at the same time and order the same coffee and take the same seat in the corner and start reading. Sometimes he is accompanied by his 2 friends but most of the time he is alone.

He is Phana, or as he told me to call P'pha, 2nd year medical student, handsome, campus moon and everyone's dream husband. Well, mine too. I started working a year back when I joined the same college as p'pha, but in the engineering department. I met p' pha the first day i started working in the cafe, he has been visiting the cafe at the same time and orders the same from the first day i started working here. I met him at the university a few times. He is always surrounded by books. I am always nervous to talk to him, other than the exchange in the morning. For the past one year the only words we exchanged are when he orders coffee and it's always the same. I just don't have the courage to go talk to him. Well I guess I will just admire him from afar, like a coward as Yo' says.

After a while he waved at me and left the cafe to go to his morning class. I have half an hour left on my shift and then I have to freshen up to go to college and pick up Yo' on the way there. Now that P' Pha left I want to end my shift as soon as possible.

This is how my morning goes, going to the cafe, meeting my crush and seeing him leave every single day for the past one year. What a boring life.

Next day at the same time he came back carrying his books in his one and a backpack with him and approached me at the counter, " good morning P', the usual?" I asked. "Yes,add an extra shot tho, need it strong today" he said, he looks tired, he looks like he didn't sleep at all last night. "Should I be concerned about how much caffeine you are taking in P'?" I laughed as I took his order and started preparing his "strong" coffee. "Can't help it, you know, I have been studying all night for the exam," P'pha said while leaning on the counter, this is the longest conversation i ever had with him. "P' you should take a rest! don't stress so much, losing your sleep is not good for your health, especially you should know that, "you are a doctor", "med student, not a doctor"P'Pha said, "one and the same" i said as i gave him his coffee. "Thank you na Nong Ming" he took his coffee and took his usual seat at the corner. 

I was cleaning the counter as Phana came back to the counter and asked "Nong Ming, do you mind if I ask you for your phone no. ?"

I froze for a second and couldn't say anything "ming?" , " ah y-yes yes, sure! Of Course, I mean i-", "Ming calm down," P'pha laughed. Omg I am so embarrassed . but P'pha asked me for my number omg!! " ya i am sorry, give me your phone i will type it in" i typed my number on his phone and gave it back to him. "Thank you na, N'ming, see you tomorrow? ", "See you tomorrow p' !!!"

I am so excited for tomorrow after a year of small talk for the first time I had such a long conversation with him. Oh I should text wayo.

yoooooooo!!!!!! : Ming



shorty yo: yaa!!!

Why are you

shouting through text?

P'Pha asked for my number! :Ming 

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