"I'm.tired.of.you.being.disrespectful." Zylin said in between each hit.

He stopped whooping her and turned her around to face her. "Now why would you say that to her?" He asked, holding her face in his hands.

Nevaeh cried louder as one her hands rubbed her butt. She wanted to make sure she still had a butt to sit on.

Zylin sighed and picked her up. He hated whooping Nevaeh, but that was literally the only way she learned her lessons. He always felt bad after he was done, just like right now.

"Dooda you know I hate whooping you." He mumbled, walking around the house rubbing her back.

Nevaeh's head laid on his shoulder with her thumb in her mouth. She was still crying but there were no tears coming out of her eyes.

"But you can't be disrespecting ya teacher." He added on, pacing back and forth through the living room.

"Ya hear me?" He asked, stopping in his tracks. Gaining a nod from her, he chuckled and sat on the couch with her still in his arms. She had him wrapped around her finger and sadly Zylin knew it.

"You mad at me?" Zylin asked, trying to look at Nevaeh.

"No." She sniffled, followed by wiping her wet face.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Nevaeh responded, laying her head back down on his chest. Everytime she got in trouble or a whooping she felt exhausted. A nap was always needed.


It had been a month since Heaven's rib surgery and she was doing well. The doctor told her that she was lucky her main organs weren't damaged, or she would've had to heal in the hospital.

A little over four weeks and Heaven felt back to normal. Instead of her stripping for the remainder of her recovery, Cane had agreed that she could be a bottle girl. Heaven agreed, being that she didn't want any set backs trying to do tricks.

Bottle girls still made lots of money and wore flashy outfits. Tonight she rocked orange spandex panties. It was the same bottoms that some female track runners wore. Her top consisted of a black bra shirt that stopped right under her boobs. Her shoes consisted of black and orange yeezy sneakers.

Malachi sat in the corner with his camera watching Bambii's every move. He watched every encounter she had, and every conversation she had. He was mad that she even conversed with other men.

As Bambii was walking back to the bar, Malachi slickly grabbed her arm and stopped her. At first, she gasped but she relaxed a bit seeing Malachi.

"Let me talk to you privately." He whispered.

"I'm not doing privates tonight." Bambii replied with a small chuckle.

"I know, just let me holla at you." Malachi stated, now standing up. Bambii looked around for Joe and when they both made eye contact, Joe knew to secretly follow them.

Malachi took Bambii by the bathrooms where nobody could really see them. He grabbed her roughly and tried to kiss her, resulting in Bambii slapping him.

"What the hell Malachi?!" She yelled.

"You keep playing games. You know you want me. I want you. Just give me a chance." Malachi said, grabbing Bambii and cornering her in a corner.

"You're drunk. I don't want you. Get the fuck out of my way." Heaven yelled, trying to push her way through Malachi. Her mind was going crazy when she didn't see Joe nowhere near.

Heaven WarriorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ