"I—" Shawn tried saying before he was interrupted by Beyoncé.

"And I'm doing things behind your back right? You weren't ready for another child right? I'm doing everything behind your back right? If I'm doing all that, what in the fuck are you doing behind mine?" Beyoncé humorlessly laughed gesturing towards the woman and the living room.

"You know what...Congratulations you both deserve each other, I'll be back to pick up my stuff someday, I hope you have a safe delivery. I wish the best for the both of you" Beyoncé grabbed the car seat and left out the house ignoring the calls Shawn sent her way. The cold tears hitting her cheeks which she quickly wiped away. She hadn't felt pain like this since she fired her dad from being her manager.


May 20, 2016

"What's so different about her Nick?" Lauren asked smiling.

"She just is, she's perfect in every way. She brightens my day by flashing her pearly smile. She's just amazingly." I smiled as I expressed myself to my friend.

She knew I was lesbian, so I didn't have to hide it. I mean it's not like it's a secret, so it's not surprise. They didn't care, they weren't judgmental at all. That's why I love them so much.

"Aww, Onika I think you're in love." Chyna smiled.

"No, Im not." I expressed laughing a little.

Am I? I mean Bey means a lot to me, but love? Nah, not in love. At least I don't think so.

"Sure sounds like it." Lauren laughed.

My phone vibrated and I smiled and looked at it.

Bey🐝👑💕: Meet me at the studio on Main. Studio 4

Me: Okay

"Who you texting?" Lauren asked laughing.

"None of your business. But I got to go so I'll be seeing you. Love you" I rushed out of the house before she could say anything back.


"What's up Nicki," The front desk person said once I walked in

I nodded in their direction before rounding the corner to the studio Beyoncé was in. I could already hear music bumping from down the hall.

When I got to the room I saw Beyoncé in the booth already in the middle of the song.

He trying to roll me up, I ain't picking up
Headed to the club, I ain't thinking 'bout you
Me and my ladies sip my D'USSÉ cup
I don't give a fuck, chucking my deuces up
Suck on my balls, pause, I had enough
I ain't thinking 'bout you
I ain't thinking 'bout

Middle fingers up, put them hands high
Wave it in his face, tell him, boy, bye
Tell him, boy, bye, middle fingers up
I ain't thinking 'bout you

"Hey Nic, can you let me hear it from the top please." Beyoncé asked from the booth.

I had been in here for a good thirty minutes now. I had Lani and was helping Bey while she recorded. I nodded and played the verse for her to hear.

"Let me do the last verse over." She said adjusting the headphones.

I ran the track back and hit record while I bounced Lani on my knee, which I could tell she enjoyed by the giggles she let out.

"You hear mommy singing huh?" I playfully ask as I lift her up so she could see Beyoncé through the glass. She used her tiny hands to slap on glass to get her attention.

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