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Hello I am here with a new ff. I always wanted to read a rrahel ff , so i thought why not to start it so i am here with my story and a request to all to please support this story.

Let's start......

Shah's house.

Helly:(banging on table) dad if you will force me again to marry someone I will run away from house.

Gautam:Oh! You are so resistant to it?
(Sipping his tea)

Helly:Yes, if you will push me again I will leave this house and never come back.
(In mind:Hmnn dad dotes on me , it will sure work!! Ha-Ha give in to me dad.)

Samar:Alright you can go!!
(Fake tears) Oh my daughter has grown up she doesn't listen to her father. Amar (his pa) Get the young lady's luggage.

Amar:Ok sir.

Helly:(in mind) No dad you should cry and beg me to stop .

Maid:Mam your luggage is ready.

Helly :(in mind) Why so fast? Did dad do this on purpose?

Gautam:(suddenly calm down) You can go helly but you have to promise me something. First, you will not take any money from home. Second, your family should not be deisclosed to the public. Of course, if you can make 1 crore in two years on your own, then I won't force you to marry again. If not....... (Stern)I will tie you to get married.

Helly:Humph, let's see. (In mind) dad you made me. (She holded her luggage and was about to go but then she turned and said) Listen up I will not only make 1 crore but also find my true love. I won't be at your mercy.

Outside:Near river.

Helly's pov.

Hello!! My name is hellly shah . I am running away from my home. The reason has been revealed. My dad arranged my marriage, God. I am just 18 and........ A girl must marry her true love . Right?

After some time..

Pufff!!! After two hours I finally got out of my family land. Oh 1 crore how will I make it. I can't go back also... What are you thinking Helly!! go and find your true love. But it is really hot, I want water. (Holding her head) (And suddenly she got disbalanced and......


(She fell in the water)

No I can't swim!! Help!!!
I will die so soon,

But then I saw someone he came near me and now I can clearly see his face. Oh my god!! What a handsome man!!!

Gosh water!! I can't breathe.

Helly's pov end.

He saw that she wasn't not able to breathe so he kissed her.

Helly:(in mind) My first kiss!!!.

(He brought her out from river and started moving towards his car. )

Helly:Ahem-Ahem!! ... Hey. Thank you.... Hey!! ( but he was not listening to her.)

Other side:

Bodyguard:Are you alright my lord?

Man:I'm alright.


Helly :(in mind) That man who saved me, can I see him again...... Ohoo helly it's not
The time to think about this , just find some place to stay tonight. (Then she takes out a paper in which some address was written.)

Helly:It's a lil blurry...... No. 108? . ........ Here it is!! What a big house it looks like cousin riya is doing well.
The door is open....She is always careless. (She enters in the house.) Riya!! I have come to see you!!..... Riya? Eh no one is in the house. Is everyone out? (In mind) I am feeling sticky and uncomfortable, so...... I will take bath first.
(She sat in the bathtub and started bathing).
But this bathroom is exaggerated, when did riya's taste became so tacky?

Man:Use my bathroom and laugh at my taste, How dare you?

Helly:(in mind) A man? Thank god I am wearing a towel.

Helly:who? (Turning back) who are you? Why at my cousin's house!?

Man:(laughing)Who I am? I am your cousin.

Helly:I am not stupid! My cousin is a woman.

Man:(in mind) what a funny girl.

Man:Oh, so I am your male cousin.

Helly:i don't have a male cousin.

Man: Then I am your father.

Helly:You!! If you don't tell me the truth I will call the police.

Man:Call the police. This is my world. You broked into my house, I should be the one who should call the police.

Helly:Give me a minute. (She went and after some time came back wearing her clothes.)
Helly:This is your house?

Man:look (pointing towards the portrait.)

Helly:This is your portrait?

Man:Your cousin won't hang my picture in the bathroom

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Man:Your cousin won't hang my picture in the bathroom.

Helly:(In mind) tut-tut,this man is really sultry. Wait that looks familiar. The bracelet belongs to the heir of Khanna family.

Imagine him wearing this in portrait.

Helly: ( in mind) is this man is the heir of Khanna family?  One of the five great families? Vishal Khanna? Oh no!!!!

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Helly: ( in mind) is this man is the heir of Khanna family? One of the five great families? Vishal Khanna? Oh no!!!!

Helly:I am sorry. I suddenly remember something. Bye.
(Saying this she started moving out.)

Vishal:(in mind) Want to go away? No way. (He kept his hand on her shoulder and pulled her.) Woman if you light my fire, you should put it out.

Helly:Well, why don't I call 119 for you?

Vishal:it won't put my fire out.

Helly:(in mind) Gosh, dangerous (she said) Look aeroplane (pointing to other side and she ran away from there)

Vishal:Humph, what a funny girl. We will meet again.

Precap- Helly's and riya's meeting.

So guys this was the first episode of my story please please please please please tell me in comment section that how was it, and if you like then please hit the star button.

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