"And you. Do you agree?", I asked, my voice cracking half way through giving away how much it truly hurt that they would prefer me dead over alive. He didn't say anything, just gave me a short nod. I just shook my head at them in disgust. 

I went into the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I heard yelling afterwards but I didn't care anymore. It was all becoming too much. This time the world closed in more and more and my chest tightened to a point where breathing wasn't possible. I was sucking in air like the world depended on it, until my body gave out and I passed out on the floor.


"THE PLANE IS NOW LANDING PLEASE PUT SEATBELTS ON", A woman over the speaker called out, waking me up. I groaned in pain as I was still on the bedroom floor. They didn't even bother to check on me, wait, why am I so surprised? 

They just said I should of died instead of her. God I hate her so much, she ruined my life before I even got a chance.

Wait, thats not true. It's not her fault, it was the men in my life that really cut me down. I never met my grandparents, or cousins, neither aunts or uncles, just my brothers and father. I realise that they probably wouldn't want me either because I "remind" them. She must of been an amazing woman for them to love her so relentlessly.

I sighed as I got up off the ground slowly, and walked into the main room. Everyone was much quieter from before, they were still talking, more like whispering at this point. They all stopped when I walked in, William had heard everything from before but didn't say a word to me. I ignored them all and they all ignored me.

I sat down, put my seatbelt on and layed back with a banging headache.

"Hey, are you okay doll? You look really sick.", William asked putting a hand over my forehead making me flinch as a reaction, making me open my eyes to his worried face. I just nodded at him and looked ahead. Stone was staring at me in which I gave him an empty look back.

I hated them all. Truly hated them. 

The truth is I did feel quite sick, I felt really cold then really hot, and then I was tired, like really tired, like it hurt to even keep my eyes open.

"You don't look so good pet, do you want some paracetamol?", He asked. I just nodded at him with a smile, but as soon as he went so did the smile.

"Are you okay?", Millian asked when he left. I just deadpanned him and looked out the window. William came back rather quickly as the plane was landing. He gave me the pills in which I had dry.

"Thanks Willie", I said to him. He frowned at the nickname but I could tell he was being playful. 


After a while the plane finally landed and we were in california. I got off the plane without a word to the others and followed William.

"They don't mean it you know. They love you more than anything in the world, but you also remind them of the pain and it controls them more than the love. It will go over time", He said with a sad smile, one of pure pity towards me. I just scoffed at him.

"It's been 16 years. Maybe they might get over it, but I never will", I said grumpily as I was still tired and whole "I wish it was you instead of her" thing really bummed me out. He knew I didn't mean my mother death as I was over it a few years ago, but the way I've lived just because of their pain.

Why should I have to suffer because they are hurt?

I got into Williams car that had magically just turned up at the runway, my guess is that they just got a new one, and slammed it shut without a word to my brothers. Wow I should probably stop slamming Willies door. 

I could tell from the look on his face that he agreed with my statement, but still I kept quiet.

I decided that I didn't want to speak unless I absolutely had to. I wanted to keep myself to myself, and I knew that if they didn't want me around, then I would act like I wasn't around.

And when I turn 18, I am long gone.


Shorter chapter this time as it was more of a filler one to see how the brothers really feel.

I hope you enjoyed and should update at least once more today if I can :0

Also if anyone wants to message some character aestetics then you are more than welcome to on my instagram @little1writer that would be great :)

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