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[Y/N]'s eyes followed Armin's figure who has been running around the kitchen, handing everyone ingredients as well as baking supplies.

"Okay! Lets get started!" After tying her hair into a tight ponytail, Sasha rolled up her sleeves and exclaimed in excitement.

Eren chuckled softly, approaching Sasha with a smile on his lips. "Sasha's the most excited one between us, huh?" He asked a question that made Connie cackle.

"If it's food, Sasha is the first one to be present in the room, for sure." The bald male continued laughing after stating his small response, resulting a short laugh from Eren.

Armin smiled at the happy sight of his teammates, his ocean blue eyes then hovered over the [H/C] haired child who held a desired gaze at the group of teens in-front of him.

The desire of joining them and express happiness and thrill about baking a cake, for him.

The blonde male smiled at the younger before beginning to approach him. "Hey [Y/N]." He called out, catching the 10-year old's attention. "How about you join? It won't be fun if one soldier is missing."

His words caused the boy's [E/C] irises to enlarge in surprise, making him lower his gaze down to his hands, pondering on wether or not to join with the others.

'Well they are making a cake.. for me..' He told himself internally, 'and Armin said he'll give me tea later to eat it with the cake..' He added.

A short hum emitted from [Y/N] as an affirmative response. The smile on Armin's lips stretched wider to a big grin. "Great! How about you stir the ingredients?"

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫 | AOT x Child!Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now