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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

An exasperated sigh escaped Mikasa's lips, annoyed by the fact she wasn't able to find the [H/C] haired child.

'How is he able to hide skillfully? Aren't kids' hiding places are obvious when playing hide and seek?' The black haired female pondering, scratching her cheek.

From the corner of her eyes, she caught the sight of the small puddle of blood. Gray irises enlarged in shock, her legs guiding towards the source of the blood.

"What the.." Her voice died down once the lifeless bodies of Levi's squad came into view. Mikasa's parched throat prevented her from uttering any word.

Her eyes traveled from body to another, some missing their lower body, it was a horrific scene for anyone to see.

Especially for a child.

That's when realization hit Mikasa, 'Di-Did he see all of this..?' She asked, her gaze lowering down to her feet—her own hand covering the lower part of her face.

She began to recall her own memories when her parents were killed brutally; making her quickly shake her head and press her hand against her ears.

'Not now. No.'
She spoke to herself internally, her teeth gritting in frustration. 'I need to find that child so I can quickly get back to Eren.' She sighed.

'If he witnessed this incident, he might not have gone far..' She told herself, her eyes darting from one location to another. All of them appeared to be normal, except for one.

A large bush was shaking as it's thin branches brushed against each other, indicating that something was hiding behind it.

Humming to herself, Mikasa began to approach the tremulous bush, knowing the child was hiding in it once she had caught the sight of [H/C] hair.

"Uhm.. you.. there.." Mikasa began, her voice evidently startling the 10-year old. "It's okay.. everything is okay now.." She tried to reassure him, her head tilting to the side to glance at the child's figure.

His fingers were messily tangled with his [H/C] hair, his eyelids wide open while tears brim his eyes before they streamed down his face—making it seem as if his [E/C] irises were drowning in them.

Mikasa's teeth bit into her lower lip, 'He must've witnessed it..'. "It's better to leave now so let's go-"

"Leave me be!" His sudden demand startled the black haired female, interrupting the words of reassurance she tried to spew out in-order to comfort the child.

[Y/N] gasped, eyes enlarging at the words he just blurted. Tremulously, he glanced at Mikasa—catching the shocked expression on her face, allowing the heavy weight of guilt to rest on his shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry.. just.. please.." He begged, choking on the tears he tried to hold back. "I just.. need.." He wasn't able to continue the sentence. He wanted to see anyone familiar—besides Mikasa since he left a bad impression of himself when they met—to calm himself.

Mikasa knew that he wants to see Levi, he didn't say it but it was clear. "Just slowly get out of here.. and we'll meet up with the captain.." [Y/N] listened to her words silently, sniffling while wiping his tears away.

"He..He's not hurt..?"

"No he isn't, he sent me here to look for you, it's better to not keep him waiting.." Mikasa added, her gray eyes shifted away from the [H/C] haired child and towards the path Levi went with.


The Ackerman flinched internally, he was just acting like a brat (from her perspective) when they first met and now he's acting like a child?

'Idiotic.. he just lost his loved ones of course he's like this..' she scolded herself, sighing in response. "I promise.."

"Captain Levi!"

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"Captain Levi!"

A call caught the attention of the latter, making him turn around to the source of the voice. He spotted the black haired female, before lowering his eyes to the human she held in her arms.

It was him, [Y/N].

His unmoving figure caused worrisome to bubble up inside of him as he calmly—to not gain attention—made his way over to her silently.

"What's with him? Is he alright?"

Although he tried to hide it, worrisome was evident in his voice as he spoke to Mikasa. She shook her head before saying; "He's alright, he just passed out after standing up—he's tired."

She told the male who just gazed at the [H/C] haired child with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I see." He mumbled before taking him out of her hold.

"I'll take him now, go check on Eren."

Mikasa happily obeyed his words, saluting before jogging towards where the brunette was located.

Levi watched her leave before moving his gaze to the child in his hold. '[Y/N]..' He began internally, lifting his arm to pat his head. 'I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I let you see that..'

His hand lowered to the boys' cheek, wiping the remaining stains of tears by his thumb.


He muttered.

(This was so rushed I apologize)(However I hope you enjoyed it!)

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(This was so rushed I apologize)
(However I hope you enjoyed it!)

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