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"Come on Ni-ki we're running late! Everyone is waiting for us!" Ni-ki tossed to the other side of his bed covering his ears with his pillow. Still the old baby Ni-ki, who loves sleeping.

"If you won't get up now, we'll not allow you to play anymore. I'm not joking Ni-ki." Argh! Jay is so loud! But fine! I won't risk my game just for a five minute sleep extension.

Then Ni-ki finally got up. He seems so lifeless. It's been 2 years yet he still feels something missing. Its been 2 years but his yearning heart screams for more.

Screams. Ni-ki heard screams. He entered an arena and glanced at the enormous crowd infront of him. The arena was dark, yet it's still so bright. He even wondered how's that possible. People was holding a stick, making it as their source of light. The spotlights blinded Ni-ki's eyes. Its finally happening.

He's finally debuting.

"What are the thoughts that are running through your mind right now?" an mc spoke as they got up on stage.

"I'm just happy I got to finally see Engenes upfront." — Jungwon answered. This kid is so pure, he can't even hide his happiness.

"I'm glad that I finally proved that my decision was right." — Sunghoon responsed. Finally. Finally he is certain that he made the right decision.

"I'm thankful to these fine young men beside me for existing in this world." — Heeseung is such an affectionate person. And he won't hesitate it to tell to the world.

"I'm grateful for everyone in this arena for coming today, to witness our firsts." — Jake said it with his aussie accent which made the crowd go wild. Oh how they love hearing Jake's accent.

"I'm thinking that today is the day where I finally became the real me, doing what I've always wanted, consoling many hearts, and being able to perform alongside with this amazing people." — Jay's word was ever so genuine. He always make the soft side of everyone to come out when he speaks. You can always feel his sincerity. His whole existence is just so genuine.

"At first, I was not that confident that I'll be able to debut. I was lacking in terms of sociability when I first came to Korea. But then I met this person. He taught me how to dream. He taught me to love what I'm doing. He made me realize how beautiful life was. We dreamed of debuting together. But destiny was just ever so playful. Destiny made us meet, then part ways, then meet again, and then part ways. I was so lifeless. I don't know how to live without this person. I've always feel that there is something missing..." Ni-Ki stopped talking and turned around. He started crying again. The other members came hugging him to help him comfort.

"And I....." Ni-ki paused. Everyone is attentively listening to him.

"I am thankful that I finally got to debut..." Ni-ki cried for real. His answers was not even on the script anymore. He's really saying it from his heart.

"I finally got to debut, with him on my side." And then he looked to his right where that person he was talking about was sitting, also shedding a tear.

"Thank you for staying strong throught these years. We finally made it." Ni-ki smiled still looking at him as his tears continued to fall.

"Navi.." Sunoo is also crying now. These crybabies makes the whole arena cry too — even me T_T

Sunoo is also not following the script. They'd be screwed up later.

"I'm happy." Sunoo said briefly.

"Just happy? Awee come on navi my speech was long and your just gonna say you're happy? Unfair!" Ni-ki yelled while smiling, but his tears is still falling. Same with Sunoo. He's giggling while crying. Oh these two are weird.

"Yes, I'm happy. I'm thankful too. Thank you for not losing hope. Thank you for patiently waiting for me. Thank you for not giving up." Sunoo smiled. He can't even explain in words how he feels to have Ni-ki by his side.

[Flashback 2 years ago]

Sunoo got commatosed for 1 and a half year. Fortunately he woke up. He woke up while Ni-ki was sleeping in his side while holding his hands. Because of suddenness, Sunoo's parents was the one who adjusted and went to Korea to check Sunoo's condition. Now they're living with Sowon and Sunoo with a complete family. Sunoo didn't have to leave anymore.

He decided to continue training under Be:Lift Lab. Then the final line up was announced. He got it. Together with Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Jungwon........... and Ni-ki. Under the group name 'Enhypen'.

[end of flashback]

Sunoo faced Ni-ki while holding his hands. The crowd was getting crazy. Everyone adores Sunoo and Ni-ki's friendship.

"We finally made it, navi. We finally arrived at our destination." Then Sunoo thought, maybe its not about the destination.

Its about the journey.



[A/N]: So who's crying rn? Sorry I haven't wrote a disclaimer for preparing a tissue. Aight YAAYD has finally come to an end. Thank you for reaching up till here. AND!! I'll be updating 'Blockbuster' oftenly now yay!!! See you there navis'!!!

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