10 | Is It The End?

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While they were on their way home, Ni-ki fell asleep in the car while Sunoo was driving. When Sunoo stopped because of a red light, he looked at sleeping Ni-ki and whispered.

"My navi must've been tired. Sleep tight Riki. I hope you remember me sooner." said while he fixed Ni-ki's hair that's on his face to see him clearly. Ni-ki woke because of suddenness and Sunoo panicked.

"I.... dreamed of... of you. We did all the things that we just did earlier at Nami Island." Ni-ki said with a sleepy voice.

Sunoo smiled. Is he regaining his memories?

"You know, sometimes I wonder. I wonder why you and I seems to know each other for a long time. Who exactly are you, Kim Sunoo? Who are you in my life?" asked Ni-ki.

"I am your—" Sunoo failed to finish his sentence as he heard the horns of the vehicles behind him. Its already green light, he didn't even notice. He then decided to continue driving and maybe he'll explain to Ni-ki some other time.

Their set-up continued and repeated for months. Sunoo is determined to help Riki retrieve his memories. But one day...

Sunoo is already on his way home. Little did he know that a shocking news is waiting for him. He opened the door of their house and Sowon was in the sofa waiting for her brother.

"Noona, you still awake?"

"Yes I waited for you. I need to tell you something."

"Is it that important that you stayed this late just for that? Can we talk about it tomorrow I-"

"We're leaving Korea."

"We're what?" Sunoo asked, confused.

"Eomma called. She said that our flight is confirmed. We're finally going to New York to live with Eomma and Appa. And we're staying there for good. Our flight is on next week." Sowon explained. Sunoo was shocked.

Why all of a sudden?

"Why all of a sudden? I mean— we've planned these 3 years ago, and now that's everything is getting better in here, we're going? I can't, Noona! I can't leave Ni-ki here!" Sunoo yelled. He did wanted to be with his parents but it was when he was living in sorrow after Riki left him. And now that Riki is back, Sunoo doesn't want to leave anymore.

"But what about Eomma and Appa? They're longing for you. For us! Our application got rejected 3 years ago and now that it's all set, there's nothing we can do. Besides, don't you miss our parents?" Sowon remained calm because she wants to make her brother understand their situation.

Their parents works at the company they own in New York. Only Sowon and Sunoo was left living in Korea on their own. They filed for a request to go to New York but their application got denied for some reason. But why does it has to be approved now that Sunoo already wanted to stay in Korea?

The next morning, Sunoo went to school with a low energy, like what he used to before Riki came back. He didn't bother to eat because he doesn't have appetite.


Its over. Tomorrow is their flight to New York. Sunoo went to Jake for the last time to finally open up the topic and say goodbye.

"New York? Why didn't you even told me beforehand? I should've set a farewell party for you. I can still visit you if I wanted tho, we own a private plane." Jake said making Sunoo feel a bit lighter.

"But have you told this to Ni-ki?" Jake asked.

"He still doesn't remember me so what's the use?" Sunoo answered, letting out a sigh.

"Because you became close again, you ungrateful human being. If you leave him like that, you'll be just like him, leaving him unknowingly and eventually hurt him too." Jake said. Sunoo remained silent. He is correct tho.


"Sunoo get up there already, we'll be late for our flight!" Sowon shouted.


They arrived at the airport.


Meanwhile, Jake was on his way to Ni-ki's to inform him about Sunoo's flight.

"NI-KI!!! SUNOO'S LEAVING!! HURRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!" Jake shouted while panting.

"I heard he is leaving, but why are you the one being panicked? He'll probably come back before the announcement of the final line up." Ni-ki calmly replied.


"Remember what?"

"For goodness sake Ni-ki! He's your bestfriend! You've been friends for a long time before you had an amnesia! You left him without telling why and now HE is the one leaving!! HURRY AND GET INTO YOUR NERVES YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE HIM!!!!!"

Ni-ki's head ached. The info is coming too fast. He can finally recall all the memories he had with Sunoo. He finally remember everything. He rushed to Jake's car and went to the airport in a hurry.


"Noona, I really can't do this. Tell Eomma and Appa that I'm sorry." Sunoo said and ran out of the airport.

"Wait!! Sunoo-yah!!!!" Sowon shouted to stop her brother but she can't change Sunoo's mind.

As Ni-ki stepped out Jake's car, he saw Sunoo running towards the gate.

"Navi!!!!!!" Ni-ki shouted which made Sunoo look to Ni-ki's direction.

"Did he just call me 'navi'?" Sunoo is about to tear up. Finally! Riki can remember him.

Out of excitement, Sunoo crossed the highway without looking and a car was on its way. The headlights blinded Sunoo's eyes which made him froze at his position. He got hit.

"SUNOO!!" Ni-ki shouted as he run towards Sunoo.

"Navi, I'm here now." Ni-ki voiced out whilst crying.

"Y-you finally r-remember." Sunoo smiled weakly with his blood scattered around.

Ni-ki caressed Sunoo's cheeks.

"Shhhhh, conserve your energy navi, we'll take you to the hospital." Ni-ki said calmly but he is now crying heavily. He can't see Sunoo hurt like this.

Sunoo was placed in a stretcher with a cast on his neck as first aid. Ni-ki held Sunoo's hand tightly inside the ambulance.

"Just hold on navi, we're almost there." said Ni-ki while holding Sunoo's blooded hands with his.  Sunoo lost consiousness which made Ni-ki panic and cry more.


Jake and Sowon arrived at the hospital too and went beside Ni-ki to wait for the doctor.

The door of the E.R. opened and they got up quickly.

"Family member of the patient?" asked the doctor.

"I'm his sister and his guardian as of now. How is Sunoo, doc?" asked Sowon.

"He lost a lot of blood. He's not good. He's commatosed."



[A/N]: Yep, it's the end. BUT WAIT!! There's an Epilogue!!!!!! What do you think happened to Sunoo?? Hmmm😏

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