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when we started driving off we all tried our best to find Brooklynn and Darius "hello? hello! can anyone hear me?" "Brooklynn! Darius! where are you?" me and Yaz tried to get a response of them. then we heard Sammy through the headset "guys! there's no sign of- ben and kenji?"

this caught all of us off guard Yaz and i both trying to move in different directions making us almost run over the two boys, making Kenji run away but tripping and taking ben down with him leaving him on top of ben trying to get get up ben who didn't let go even after Kenji tried to get him off but then gave up

Yaz and i looking at them for a moment "told you" i said while still looking at the boys "hm." she raised a brow.

k: so are you guys going to let us in or what?!

y: sure, hop right in. -she said in a sarcastic way while patting the middle of the gyroshpere-

m: i don't think there's going to be room for benny boy though

b: can't i just squeeze in with you guys? -ben finally let go of Kenji-

y: im sorry but i'm not squeezing in with anybody

m: it's fine, you can go with sammy and i'll take them both

y: i mean, i wouldn't mind but-

m: it's okay just go, Brooklynn and Darius are probably in trouble right now and we need to hurry up and find them.


yaz switched gyroshperes and i was stuck with the boys. "Kenji. scoot over." i said annoyingly "jeez fine okay" he scoot over "you know-" "Kenji shut up." i heard something from afar and waited for it again "help! is anyone there?!"

"Yaz! i hear them follow me" i spoke through the headset "on it" she replied

driving closer and closer to the sound of their voices while Sammy and Yaz followed "you're driving too fast" ben gagged "ben just hold it in for a while" i replied while he covered his mouth with his hands

"Brooklynn? Darius?" Sammy said through the head set but this time we got a reply "hello? sammy?" Darius said through the headset "do you read me? we're coming to help" Sammy reassured "keep yelling so we can find you" i joined in

they started yelling for a while then we finally saw right we're they were we all quickly stepped out of the gyroshpere except for ben who stayed in for a while "roxie! dave! we got a real emergency here!"

get us out of here!

Kenji, Yaz and myself tried our best to get the door to open

y: i can't grab a hold of it!

k: it's too heavy!

m: i think i can.. -i had a good grip on it but ben pointed out that we're going to go under with them-

b: it's gonna pull you under!

we all jumped out of it as soon as ben had said that. even though i had a good grip on it i was more than likely not going to be able to get it open with the mud in the way. Kenji, Yaz and i were coved in mud and on the ground in even more mud but then we looked up to see the scino back with us which that made ben fall over then it bellowed making Sammy fall

as she was on the ground she thought to her self "what if....iv got an idea" she got back in her feet "what are you doing?" Yaz and i both said in a whisper, still hands and knees on the ground. she picked up a tree branch that still had some leafs on it as she walked by ben "what? wait!" ben said calmly

Sammy then approached the dinosaur very slow and calmly offering it the leafs left on the branch, it backed up and roared and bellowed at Sammy scaring her a bit, then she tried again "hey..i get it" she stepped closer making the dinosaur step back since it was probably still scared "it's hard to trust strangers, it's a scary world out there, but...i'll trust you if you trust me."

Yaz and i looked at each other and gave a sad-ish look since we both realized that we were probably a little mean and should have listened to her back when this whole thing happened

"i'm not gonna hurt you" she slowly put her hand on the dinosaurs nose finally gaining its trust. then it took a bite of the branch she still had in her hands.

s.t ((super star) since Brooklynns and Bens name both start with B): guys? real touching and all but we're still gonna die!

s: hurry! -sammy then started gathering vines and we all started tying them up to make a bigger vine-

once we finished Kenji climbed up a tree and i tossed the vine up to him then he tossed to Yaz who finally tossed it over to Darius and Brooklynn. all while Sammy wrapped the vine around the dinosaur using it to help pull them up.

once Darius reassured us that they were ready to be pulled the mud started going in their gyrosphere "hurry Sammy!" ben said in a panic "on it." she replied right after he had said that. then Sammy lured the dinosaur with the Branch to pull them up and surprisingly it was working.

once the gyroshpere came out of the mud pull Yaz and i were ready to open it with strong sticks when it opened there was Darius and Brooklynn on the other side of the gyroshpere. "heyy" Darius said nervously that made me laugh a bit and as well as Yasmina. then we all started cheering that we had got them out, alive.

"cowgirl for the win!" Kenji gave her a high-five

dave and Roxie dove up to us "of course they come right after we needed their help." i said to my self

we're all back at camp when Yaz and i walk over to the couch when we notice Sammy out on the balcony all by her self. i gestured my head to Sammy saying that we should probably talk to her.

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