Saying that, she instantly makes her way towards them without uttering another word to her husband. Probably to give them a scolding of the day.

"Don't yell at them, Nandini. They are just nine years old kids." Said Siddharth and started to follow his wife wherever she was heading to.

"You are the one who is turning them into monkeys and giving me a headache every day." Nandini scolded Siddharth for defending boys in advance while walking on her way.

" Hey, what did I do ??" asked Siddharth while following her.
Within no time, both the parents reach to their kids.

" What are you doing here, boys ?? I've been searching for you in every corner of this palace like crazy." Yelled Nandini glaring at them, placing her hands on her hips. Siddharth also followed and stood beside her.
" Wait !! - What is that??" Queried Nandini to the boys as soon as her eyes fell on something.

" Mama Look at this Pigeon, It's bleeding." Said Krishna holding a wounded pigeon on his little hands.

" Oh dear God !! ... yes, it is .... What happened?? " Said their mother in her concerned voice.

"We were playing a little far from here, then suddenly Krishna noticed something lying down and fluttering nearby. When we went near to it. We found that was a pigeon which was wounded and was bleeding too. We heard your call for us, but we couldn't just go, leaving it here alone. So, We immediately rushed near it to help, But That's when We were attacked by an eagle. It was probably hunting it and must have wanted to kill it." Narrated Arjun in his cute voice.

" Yes Mama, and Arjun bravely shooed the eagle away with his slingshot and saved us from its attack" said Krishna with same child like voice which sounded like a cuckoo.

" Are you boys okay.... ??" Queried Nandini being worried about her sons while quickly scrolling her eyes on their little bodies to see a trace of any injury.

" We are fine, mama" Said the little boys together.

" But next time if something like this happens. You will call anybody who is there around you and try not to handle such situations alone. You could have got hurt my little babies" instructed Nandini for their safety.

"Okay mama." both the boys agreed to their mother.

" Can we take it to the Royal doctor for its treatment??" Requested Krishna for immediate treatment of this pigeon.

" Yes, of course, why not ??" Nandini immediately permitted them for the same. Getting the permission from their mother, Krishna instantly started to walk and so did Arjun.

" And next time when I am calling your names, please answer me back." said Nandini scolding them a little while they started to walk away.

Arjun was on his way with his brother but stopped in the middle and ran back to his father and said
" Father, Mama is angry again. Please take her to the poolroom."

" Pool Room ?? ...why there ?" Siddharth asked Arjun being confused. Nandini too looked at the boy, being puzzled.

" Yes father, whenever mama is angry, you take her to the poolroom and when she returns she looks happy and her anger is all gone." Said Arjun innocently.

Nandini eyes widens in shock and embarrassment to hear this from her little son, who said everything innocently. She slowly rolls her eyes to Siddharth to find him shocked as well.

Nandini shakes her head and speaks to change this embarrassing topic.
"G - Go now your brother. ... go ... go."

Arjun runs back to catch up with his waiting brother Krishna.

" Did you hear what he just said ??" Nandini asked her husband in her serious, shocked tone.

" What can I say .... ?? Our Kids are smart and highly observant ??" Said Siddharth keeping his eyes on his sons who were trailing inside the palace.

" But he is right ... " Said Siddharth, than brings his lips closer to Nandini's ear and whispers in his naughty tone.
" Let's go to the poolroom then, shall we ?? "

" Siddharth !!??. You're just -!! " Exclaimed Nandini in her annoyed tone looking back at him with her pinched brows.
" Ah - God knows, how am I going to handle these three kid?? " She said, rolling her eyes.

Siddharth chuckles a bit to see his wife's cute, frustrated face as a reaction to this.

After a small pause, Siddharth speaks
" Krishna is just like you .... Kind, humble, generous and always ready to help others."

" And Arjun is just like you ..... noble, smart, brave and always stands for good." said Nandini addressing her husband. A soft smile played in both of their lips while talking about the wonderful qualities of their children.

" All I just want them to be a good human being. " Said Nandini looking at the entrance from where both the boys went in.

" Don't worry. They will be. After all, they are our kids. We will guide them to be." Assured Siddharth to his wife and brought his hand on her shoulder to give her a side hug and pressed her shoulder to him.

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Hey !!
with a very heavy heart I'm informing you that ...
After getting around 50 K+ Reads and 5.96K Votes and your so many appreciative comments on my first story FORBIDDEN PRINCESS. It got DELETED 😱😱🤯🤯😱😱😭😭😭😭 (It was an accident and I didn't even have a tinch of hint when it even happened.) leaving me devastated and heavily sad. And all your Votes and amazing comments disappeared in a blink.

So, I'm re-posting the entire story for the 2nd time and I'm just requesting you to do nothing much but please Vote all the chapters of Forbidden Princess and kindly leave your review on it. If you do the needful I'll be very very grateful of you.

Please help this story to regain it's lost place. 🙏🏼🙏🏼😭.

Pooja Roy Bagchi - Author.

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