Together, One Last Time

Start from the beginning

"Does this mean I'm in charge of the cabin?" Lydia asked, her arms crossed over her chest and her golden hair woven into a braid over her shoulder.

Lyra elbowed her twin sister in the ribs. "What she's trying to say is we'll miss you."

Ali chuckled and pulled the twins into a hug. "I'll miss you guys too." She smirked as she pulled away. "And, I think, Lyra should take over as head councilor."

Lyra caught her breath. "Are you sure?"

"100%" Ali assured, pulling Lyra into another hug. "Take care of them."

Lyra grasped Ali's shoulders and gave a curt nod.

Ali turned to Lydia.

The girl crossed her arms and turned aside.

Ali shook her head and grabbed Lydia in a bear hug. "Keep them safe."

Lydia's scowl broke into a smirk and she returned Ali's embrace. "Good luck, sister."

Tyler placed a hand on Ali's shoulder as she pulled away from her sisters.

Lydia eyed the son of Apollo. "If you hurt her, I'll gut you like a fish and feed your remnants to the wolf." She nodded towards Baron.

Tyler cleared his throat awkwardly. "Noted."

"I'll be fine." Ali assured, as she pulled Tyler into a side hug.

Hesitantly, he returned the gesture.

"Besides," Ali continued. "If he does do anything to hurt me, I'll let Baron tear him to shreds... slowly."

Baron wagged his tail, the heavy appendage thumping against the ground in excitement.

Ali laughed as the color drained from Tyler's face. "Don't worry." She nudged him playfully. "I'm not sensitive."

"I'll say." Percy stood near Thalia's tree with Annabeth. He stepped forward and wrapped Ali in a tight hug.

Ali smiled as she pulled away. "See you around, Water Boy."

Annabeth stole a hug before he could respond.

Thomas and Aubrey stepped forward next, each grabbing a long hug.

Thomas pulled out a sleek silver cylinder. A symbol of a deer holding the full moon in its antlers adorned the shimmering metal surrounded by  strings of Greek lettering, spelling out the names of all her friends. "Press the moon." He smiled awkwardly as the cylinder morphed into a slender bow with a reinforced bronze string.

"Thomas," she studied the gentle curve of the metal, the etched names, the expert braiding of the bronze string. "It's beautiful."

He shrugged, his cheeks tinged red. "I figured, if you're gonna be out in the world with all the monsters, you better have a decent weapon."

Ali threw her arms around him. "Thank you." She felt tears stinging her eyes as she straightened.

Next up was Owen, two small beads clutched in his hand. He met Ali's gaze and placed the one in her palm. The other he put in Tyler's.

Ali examined the clay bead. An earthen hand burst from the ground with the Athens Parthenos standing tall behind it. A Greek stood on the left and a Roman on the right. They were the beads for the end of summer.

"I enchanted them to help hide your scent." Owen took a deep breath. "It should keep some of the monsters away."

Tyler placed a hand on the son of Hecate's shoulder. "Thank you, Owen."

Ali grabbed one more hug before Owen disappeared back into the crowd.

Meg cleared her throat behind them.

Baron perked up and loped around her excitedly, jouncing the supplies on his back.

Meg smiled sadly, reaching out her hand to the dire wolf.

Baron settled down enough to rub against her hand.

Ali walked over and stroked Baron behind the ears. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Meg took a deep breath and nodded. "I don't want to be the thing holding you back. That's not fair to you."

Ali wrapped her little sister in a hug. "I really wish I could bring you with me, but I don't know what's gonna happen out there." She pulled away. "The last thing I want to do is lose you."

Meg bit back her tears. "You better go before the sun sets."

Tyler smiled warmly at Meg. "You're probably the bravest girl I've ever met."

Meg returned his grin. "Just keep her safe."

Tyler nodded. "I promise."

Ali and Tyler pulled themselves onto Baron's back.

Ali took one last look at the camp and the people gathered near Thalia's tree before spurring Baron forward into the woods.

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