Lu Nanqi took advantage of the rain to stop and went out. Meng Lun left what was in his hands and followed her. Lu Nanqi also needed someone to follow her and listen to her instructions. This could save her. A lot of trouble, and she is most afraid of trouble.

She is very happy that Meng Lun can follow her.

"They are already doing drainage work, and they will be able to get better before dark." Meng Lun followed her and reported today's actions. "The rain has finally stopped, but according to what you said, the rain should continue. Next, what should we do next?"

Chapter 492

"I first erected a fence outside the village. When you go back, let them make a few more bamboo rafts with bamboo. If the prediction is correct, we will use it. Besides, I erect this fence. After the fence, you lead your brothers out to patrol again to make sure that there are no zombies in the village. If you can remove them, try to remove all the zombies together." Lu Nanqi said: "There is nothing wrong with you here. Yes, you go back first, and I will follow you back as soon as I finish here."

"Okay, pay attention to your safety." Meng Lun asked, and went back to the old house first.

When it was getting dark, Lu Nanqi hadn't come back yet.

And Zhang Ruihuai couldn't see his shadow even more.

Probably died on the road.

The people on Zhang Mingyue had secretly guessed, after all, the world is so dangerous now, and every time he goes out, he has a plan to go and never return.

Every time he goes out, he can come back safely, because the weather has always been good.

But this time is different. The natural disasters have come, can he be safe?

But they only dared to say this in private, for fear that Zhang Mingyue would hear it and touch her heart.

Even if everyone is worried, they dare not show it on their faces.

Zhang Mingyue was restless for the whole day, doing nothing wrong. She used to be a policeman, and she looked leaning toward her father. She had a serious face, and coupled with her depression, she looked gloomy and cold.

Even her own people deliberately avoided when they saw her, not to mention the people on Lu Nanqi's side.

Everyone dared not work with her.

Zhang Mingyue did a while, and left directly.

This walk was for a long time, and I don't know where I went.


Lu Nanqi made a big circle around the periphery of the village before returning to the old house.

There is a year-round dry river outside the village. Because of this heavy rain, the river has regained water, but also because the river has not been treated all the year round, there is overgrown weeds, and the river water has settled to the shore, and the surrounding fields have accumulated. water.

No wonder they are so high that it rained all night and the water accumulated outside their house.

I thought this place would be the safest, but the world is unpredictable.

It seems that the most critical point is that as long as the river is dredged, the heavy rain will not pose a big threat to the village.

However, the river is already full, and it will be even more difficult to dredge at this time.

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