He was grabbed off me and I rolled of the couch onto the floor coughing and inhaling sharply

"You're my, my baby
And you'll al-al-always be"

I turned my head seeing a group of what I hope were just people in costumes playing a prank

"Yeah, yeah, make him suffer first, I know I fucking got it man!"

They walked up to me and I crawled away from them as my stab wounds started bleeding and leaving blood streaks on my glossed wooden floor

I kept crawling until I felt someone step on the back of my leg making the blood start pouring out a bit quicker

"AH SHIT!" I yelled out in pain

I was kicked over and there was a weird looking thing

Their or its skin was scaly and a black with a dark colored long coat and hat

Teeth white and sharp. The rest of I'm guessing his group came up to me and circled around me

I was in such pain and scared out of my mind

"I swear by everything I own"

There was a guy who had burns all over their face and body with a red and green sweater and sharp gloved fingers

"Watch, he's gonna say 'I have 2 kids and a wife'"

I was pulled off the floor and slammed against the wall then one of the burned man's knife fingers were pressed onto my throat adding more pressure the more I inhaled

"P-please, I have a wife and 2 babies, both 7 months old"

"See what I tell you" I heard a whisper say

"I have 2 bag of cash upstairs under my bed" I said in the fear of my life that I never thought would come

"So desperate" the man who looked almost formal said with a smirk

They walked up to me and put me in the middle of them, pushing me from person to the next to the next and over and over again

They started to punch and stab me once I got pushed towards them each of them stabbed me

The pain felt endless. I could feel my life slipping away

"You're mine
And we belong together"

I slid down the wall and laid my back up against the wall

3rd POV

Kaleb's body fell to the ground as that last part of the song played

The guys got the money bags and hid his body where no one would be able to find

"Yes, we belong together
For eternity

They began to head back to Y/n's house

Kaleb's body buried under somewhere where it will be impossible to find. Not even dogs

Blood on his hands and clothes while his blood continued to pour out

Obsession Started in a Crisis: Slashers x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now