Chapter 23 Lillie Knows What's Best

Start from the beginning

Lillie gasps as Peter unloads the wagon with old things, but they were new to lillie.

Sun: "thank you Peter, tell your father he has our prayers and we thank him. Your family is always welcome here."

Peter smiles and waves goodbye.

Later into the day, sun finished settling in the furniture and they leave all their shoes at the genkan. They finally lay on the couch together.

Lillie: "this is amazing, sun. I love really is a home."

Sun: "it's all yours to own lillie. We also make a living by tending to the green house. We sell vegetables during the past time."

Lillie smiles when sun said that.

Lillie: "you still own your guns?"

Sun: "sadly, yes....but I can get rid of them if you want. No one shooting for me."

Lillie: "just make sure to use them for self defense only."

Sun was surprised to hear that. But knew why Lillie let him keep his guns. Someday they're gonna have a family together and he needs to protect them.

Lillie: "are you hungry?"

Sun: "a little later, babe. I need to show you something."

Sun takes Lillie up to the balcony.

Lillie: "wow, this is beautiful."

Sun: "over there, that's the jigs' house. They're a family with 2 kids just like we'll have someday."

Lillie smiles and holds suns hand.

Lillie: "when will we have kids, babe?"

Sun: "how about in a short while? We need to settle things and get money. Having a baby isn't so easy...."

Lillie smiles sadly, but knew sun was right. She sighs and leans into suns touch.

Lunala pops out of her ball.

Sun and lillie stare in aw when they saw lunala come out of her pokeball

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Sun and lillie stare in aw when they saw lunala come out of her pokeball.

Sun: "i guess it has been a while since you had some fresh air, lunala."

Lillie: "it's so nice to see you again, nebby."

Lunala smiles and leans into lillie and Lillie does the same with lunala. They both embrace eachother.

Sun: *maybe i should let all my pokemon out to attract their legs. I'll think about doing that tommorow.*

Sun felt something course through him.

Out came out Charlie. He was surrounded by a blue aura.

Sun: "Charlie? How long has it been since we last talked?"

Charlie: "i don't know how long, sun. It's been so long. But thanks to you, I'm finally free. We saved the world, chosen one. But sadly my time with you is over. I must go home to mother now, I'll see you when your time is up."

What sun saw was not a dragon no more, but instead it was a little boy. The little boy shakes suns hand.

Sun: "goodbye, Charlie. I hope you find your mom."

Charlie smiles as lunala grabs the boy from behind and lifts him up into the sky. Sun and lillie watch as they two slowly go up into the start filled sky.

Lillie: "so, this whole time....that demon of yours was just a scared little boy? I guess the book really was telling the truth."

Sun massages lillies shoulders.

Sun: "it's okay, lillie. I wouldn't believe myself either."

Sun and lillie look back up to see luanla coming back from the sky and nuzzling sun on the chest.

Lunala: "you did a good thing, sun. You've saved the world and saved this little boy from a life of torment. I will give you a reward."

Lunala touches lillies stomach with her fingertip. A glow starts to show for a second. Once it was done, Lillie feels her stomach for a moment.

Lillie: "what was that, nebby?"

Lunala: "your future child is now bless with goodness and will."

Sun: "luanla says our future child has goodness and will now. We have a bless child, lillie. And when we have to do it, we'll be able to rest easy, knowing our child will someday be more better then their father."

Lillie smiles.

Sun and lillie retreat to their bedroom and they change into their pajamas

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Sun and lillie retreat to their bedroom and they change into their pajamas.

Lillie: "i love you, sun."

Sun: "i love you too."

Sun gets on top of her a bit and kisses her lips and neck. Lillie blushes a bit, but gasps when she feels his hand.

Sun: "Lillie, always remember, that we are not ready yet."

Lillie was a bit disappointed to hear that. She knew that she was wrong for wanting a baby so early, but Lillie still kisses him regardless.

Lillie: "let's try to get some rest. We have work in morning."

Sun: "ok, Lillie. Goodnight."

Sun rolls over and spoons Lillie as she leans into his touch. Slowly closing her eyes.

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Pokemon Sun X Lillie Flower Under The Sun Epilogue Story 🌼 🌞Where stories live. Discover now