Chapter 16 A Sweet Note

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One week later sun finishes building a fence.

Sun: "what do you think, lycanroc?"

Lycanroc: "very good."

Sun walks to the crappy house to see dusk sleeping in it once again. Sun groans and licks dusk in the side of the ribs.

Dusk: "AH! what the fuck?"

Sun: "get up! Or get out! Dusk, I'm not kidding anymore. You either work or leave."

Dusk: "the hell is your problem?"

Sun: "you!"

Dusk: "what's wrong with you? Constipation?"

Sun: "dusk, do something else. No more naps. That shits over!"

Dusk: "no wonder Lillie left you."

Sun kicks dusk awake and dusk helps awake.

Dusk: "okay, okay, I'm up. Oh and uh there's something i need to tell you. Lucas! He is still in alola."

Sun: "Lucas?"

Dusk: "yeah, I was in town before i met you. Uh....he's in ula ula island! We should go now!"

Dusk rushes out of the crappy house. Sun looks at lycanroc and lycanroc shrugs. They followed dusk regardless."

On the monrail

Sun: "how did you know he was there. Or perhaps you were just drunk."

Dusk: "must you always be so rash?"

Sun: "yeah, because I might be wasting my time or you're leading me on a while goose chase."

Dusk sighs, and typhosion glares at sun a bit, but lycanroc growls to warn the pokemon about rash actions.

Dusk sighs, and typhosion glares at sun a bit, but lycanroc growls to warn the pokemon about rash actions

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Dusk: "no fighting you two. We are on. A monorail."

Sun: "just calm down you two."

Off the monorail they see a statue of carl....sun got some flash backs.





11 recon soldiers......K.I.A......

The flash ends

Dusk: "sun, are you ok?"

Sun: "yeah, i just feel a bit light headed."

Dusk: "that's the stature of carl. And all the fallen soldiers.....including the 50,000 kanto marines...."

Sun: "they were all so brave....susan, phyco, guzma....and carl....they all laid their life down for alola."

Dusk: "yeah...i still dream of the old days. When we were with the league and wr were with our crew. Before everything went to hell."

Pokemon Sun X Lillie Flower Under The Sun Epilogue Story 🌼 🌞Where stories live. Discover now