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Shawn laid down on his bed staring at the ceiling, debating on calling Angel. He sighed and sat up from his bed, he walked out of the room and went to the house phone.

Jack and Eric where out, he's pretty sure Eric said something about getting the Dean to approve of their fraternity thing for college, whatever that meant.

He stared at the paper that held Angel's number. "Dude, you've done this plenty time with other girls before her, just call her," Shawn gave himself a pep talk.

After a few seconds of collecting himself he pressed the digits into the phone and waited for it to ring. The phone rang for thirty seconds before going to her voicemail. "Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you shortly."

Shawn sighed and put the phone back and ran his fingers through his hair. Maybe she's busy? He thought and turned to walk away, he was making his way up the steps when the phone began to ring. Shawn immediately ran back to the phone and rip the receiver from the dial, almost breaking the phone in general.

"Hello!" Shawn cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "I mean hi."

A giggle was heard on the other side, Shawn smiled at how cute it sounded from her. "Hello Shawn, I'm sorry I didn't answer the first call I was just getting out of the shower and had to open the door for my friends."

Shawn's face turned red as his mind drifted off imagining Angel, he snapped out of it quickly and scolded himself for thinking inappropriate thoughts about the girl.

"Oh, did I interrupt then? I can call back later if you want," Shawn told her.

"No, no you're good they're in the living room picking a movie to watch." Angel assured him, not wanting the boy to feel bad.

"Speaking of movies..." Shawn trailed off.

"Our date yes!" Angel said with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "I was actually thinking about it not to long ago."

Shawn smiled. "Oh really?"

Angel giggled. "Yeah, I kind of wanted to know what kind of movie we were watching?"

"Hmmm...I was actually wondering on what you wanted? Maybe a romance, chic-flic?" Shawn teased, Angel giggled again.

"Hell no, no offense to those movies out there but I can't watch those movies without cringing excessively." Angel commented. "Yeahhhh, I would rather watch horror or action movies in my opinion. It gives me a more thrilling feeling."

Shawn was actually shocked, all the previous girls he went out with all loved the romance, chic-flic movies that came out in the theatres. He couldn't help but find this girl more attractive then ever.

"Great! I actually wanted to see the new movie that stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones."

Angel gasped. "You mean Men in Black! My friends went to go see the movie without me, but they said it was really good." Shawn couldn't help but smile, 'She's literally perfect'.

"Okay, so we're watching Men in Black then heading to Chubbies straight after." Shawn informed the girl who hummed in agreement.

"Okay that sounds great."

"Angel tell your lover boy to call later, we found a movie!" A voice was heard in the background, Shawn laughed while Angel sighed.

"Imma kick his ass," Angel mumbled through the phone causing Shawn to laugh again. "I'm sorry about him."

"No, you're good don't worry." Shawn assured the girl. "I guess I'll let you get back to your friends?"

Angel sighed. "I guess so...I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, you'll see me tomorrow."

"I can't wait for our date Shawn." Angel said softly into the phone, a soft smile appeared onto Shawn's face as he nodded his head even though she couldn't see him.

"I can't wait as well."

"Bye Shawn." Angel said.

"Bye Angel."


"What about this one?" Jaden asked Angel, he held a red jacket against a black dress. Angel hummed and tilted her head to the side, as she tried to picture her in it.

She then shook her head causing the three friends to sigh at the ridiculous girl.

"Sis, if you don't make up your mind." Angela huffed and shove another dress on the rack. "We've been at five different stores in the past two hours. It doesn't need to take this long for an outfit."

"But it has to be perfect!" Angel whined and pouted when River glared at her with crossed arms.

"You're literally going to the movies and a quick dinner." River deadpanned, Jaden smacked his arm while Angela bit her lip and bent down pretending to pick up something.

"Riv, why're you being so mean?" Angel poked her lip out towards him, River just shook his head and walked away and out the store.

Jaden turned to her and walked over and grabbed Angel's hands. "Jelly you'll look great in any outfit that you'll wear, and if Shawn doesn't see that then that's his lost." He said genuine, Angel smiled at her best friend.

"Yeah, and if he says anything that's even close to an insult, I'll kick his ass," Angela added walking over to them with an innocent smile, the two laugh.

Angel shook her head and looked between the two of them. "Thanks, guys I really needed to hear that from you." She opened her arms out for them to hug, the two accepted it and the three hugged in the middle of the store.

"Damn it, River walked away to early for our group hug," Jaden mumbled in the hug causing the two sisters to laugh.

Angel's eyes trailed away from the hug and onto a cute set across from them, she gasped and quickly pulled away not caring that she startled her best friend and sister.

"So much for the sentimental hug," Jaden mumbled sarcastically to Angela as they watched the girl grab the outfit and turned to show them.

"This is the outfit," Angel nodded her head with a happy grin. "this is the outfit, I'm wearing for our date."

Angela smiled at her sister. "Great." She dropped her smile. "Now. Let's go buy it, get some food, and go home."

Angel nodded excitedly and practically ran towards the cashier station to go buy the outfit. She couldn't wait for her date with Shawn.

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