they found out

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I was going to meet up with Finn again.
He was honestly good to be around, he even promised to show me another cool places from this city but unfortunately I couldn't say yes, at least for now. I hope one day he can show me the city and we can both act like normal people.
I went to the park once again and there he was, standing near a three with his arms crossed.
He approached as he saw me.

"I've been thinking, do you want to have lunch in my house today? I can't stay much time here, I need to take care of my sister so feel free to come today."

"Well, yeah I guess then."— I said, still a little bit afraid of exposing myself too much, but since he was alone just with his sister I thought it wouldn't be a big deal.

The more days I walked in the streets more scared I was. I felt like everyone was staring, talking about me, making phone calls to say they found me even if they were just calling their family or friends.
I'm getting paranoid, but I have reasons to be and I'm aware of that.

"Are you okay?"— Finn asked, since I was so lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Uhm- What's your sister's name?"— I asked gently.

"It's Stacy!"

"That's a cute name."

"Well she's not that cute though."— he laughed.

"Why would you say that?"— I giggled.

"Well, like I've said before, she's like that princess girls, she acts like she needs everything and to be honest she gets it many times. She can't stand a 'no'. But yeah, what can I do? It's not her fault, my parents treat her like a princess, of course one day she would start acting like this."

"I don't even know what to say... patience, it's all you need. Remember that one day it will be over."— taking to him was like giving myself an advice. And this was a way to cope and learn, my free therapy.

"Y/n, promise you won't ever leave me?"— he asked.

"Of course I won't, you're like my best friend."

"Promise you won't, no matter what happens."

"Yeah, I won't. I promise, I've lost many things in life, I lost my family, friends, house, all my old life, I left everything behind. I won't do it again, not with someone who's always helping me."

"Thank you..."— he smiled.

We continued our way through the long empty streets with small houses, I hope the next time I'm walking by here I'm having a city's tour with Finn without thinking about hiding. I just want to be normal.

"Okay, my house is here..."— he pointed to it and went to open the door. "Y/n... I'm so sorry."— he simply said in a whisper and opened it.

I stood inside when I faced my parents looking at me inside the house. They were serious and my mother looked sad. I knew they were upset and I would be too, but I know they won't understand my side even though I understand their's.

"Wha-"— I was completely speechless. We stayed in silent for some seconds just looking at each other's. I missed them, I really do but it's too late for regrets.

""Y/n..."— my mother said.

"No, this can't be happening..."— I looked at Finn with a disgusted face, I couldn't understand why he did this to me, why he betrayed me this way. The only thing I could think was running, running without knowing where to go.
I ran and ran until I entered in the hotel, then I pretend everything was normal.

"Sarah, Sarah please open the door."— I knocked.

"Yeah is everything oka-"— I rushed inside.

"You won't believe what happened. I went to the park with Finn like always and then I was about to have lunch with him because his sister was alone. But when I entered in his house my parents were there I-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say your parents were there?!"

"Yes, my parents, Sarah. I don't know how, I think he probably called the police, I don't know!"

"I will find out, I can talk with the police. But I need to do something. I don't know how to control the press anymore, Y/n."

"Sarah you're doing too much, I'll find a way by myself, relax."

"I would love to don't be able to say this but you can't do this by yourself, I'm controlling every single new they want to post and talking with my boss to don't let some of the news come out. If I don't do this they will find out I'm related to this case and find who you are as well."

"Okay, calm down. We need to think very carefully. In exhausted, I think we both should rest and thing when we're alright."

Breaking news: Teenager who disappeared was seen by her parents in Los Angeles, California. The authorities are already searching for her in the nearest locations.

We read on the television as this words echoed inside our minds. All the care we had was not enough. It's going to be hard to fix this.

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