woman from the bar

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So many places in the world and there I was, in this small house in a terribly quiet and boring city.
I was tired of my everyday, my routine, family and school.
I wanted more, I wanted to live, something I could never do in this toxic place.
I've thought many times about escaping and never coming back home again but something was holding me back.
Maybe it was the fear. The fear of the unknown, the dark streets at night, the possible hunger, missing the few friends I have, strangers passing by. Or maybe the problem was that I was thinking too much.
So today I packed my bag to school, this time without any books or pencil case, I filled it with a bunch of clothes and some money I found through the drawers of my house.

When the alarm from the last class sounded I grabbed my things and left everything behind.
In the beginning, all around me seemed so confusing but an hour later I was already entering in the train on my way to the next city, Los Angeles.


Some hours later I arrived at my destination.
I still had some money, which I decided to spend on hotel accommodation.
It wasn't a very fancy one, but enough for the moment.
I checked in and gave a false name, F/n.
The receptionist was very kind to me and fortunately the hotel didn't require any ID presentation.
"Room 259."— she handed me the door card and I made my way upstairs.

The hotel was big, all decorated with shades of red and grey. I dare to say it is very good for the price, glad I found this one.
I unpacked my things and went to the hotel bar to familiarize myself with the place, since I was going to stay there for an unforeseen time.
They offered the hosts free drinks so I asked for an alcoholic one since there was finally no one to stop me from doing that. No parents, no boundaries.

That hotel didn't have many people, I don't know if it was because of the hours, 9pm didn't seem like an hour people would actually go to a bar, so there was only two people in there.
Since everything was so calm, I sat in a red armchair drinking my tequila.


"Excuse me, how old are you?"— a woman asked me, tapping my shoulder.
I looked around to make sure she was not from the hotel staff, she didn't seem to be. No uniform, not a very serious face towards me, so I answered:
"I'm seventeen, why?"— I frowned, not understanding the reason she addressed me.

"You know you shouldn't be drinking by your own, don't you?"— she crossed her arms and sat in front of me.

"Well, of course I know. I really don't care, it's not that serious. I don't do this everyday, if that's what you're so concerned about." — not this woman trying to steal my mothers role just to screw my 'relaxing time' right now.

"You shouldn't be drinking anyway. Where are your parents?"— she crossed her legs.

"I'm not really into this type of questions right now, so if you don't mind..."— I got up and went to the terrace.
I just wanted to clear up my mind, think about my life from now on, finally forget about my problems but no, this woman really needed to show up so concerned about other people's life.

I sighed and went outside. There was a beautiful night, warm and not talking about the wonderful view I had to the entire city.

"Hey, are you okay?"— I turned around to face the same woman I was talking to some seconds ago.

"Yes, I'm totally fine. May I ask why are you so concerned, miss?"— I asked with a sarcastic tone.
Did she just follow me again? Was she some stalker or kind of a lonely woman who just wanted to have a small talk?

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