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"I'm here, Y/n!"— Sarah said as she opened our apartment room.

"Hey! How did it go?"— I stood up quickly to

"Fine, I think. I hope so."— Sarah looked concerned about something.

"You hope so? What's wrong?"— I took her hands and made her sit near me on bed.

"I got a call some days ago about your disappearance. Today I went to our seed here in San Diego, they wanted to talk with me.
I'm now a suspect, because of the images from the shopping. Then I found my boss and he told me he could control what is published or not so I think it will be fixed."

"Wait... wait, wait! You're a suspect?! How will you convince them about NOT being a suspect after the images they saw?"

"They aren't sure about the images yet. They already know the girl was you but they still don't know if I'm the woman who you were with."

"So you're telling me I need to dye my hair again?"— I laughed.

"Well, you can keep your hair like that but you know it's a little bit extravagant."

"I heard blue hair dye starts getting out easily so I'll just wait until this turns that kind of green."— it was not a bad idea but until it doesn't I still need to hide.

"I just didn't want to worry you. It will be okay, the hotel staff knows you from another name, I will try to clear my name from the suspects list."

"I'm not worried, I believe it will be okay."

Even if nothing was fine around me, there is always a hope. Sarah was the hope.
She is a grown woman who knows what she's doing, she's fighting for her job and at the same time protecting my identity.
I started to don't look at my phone anymore, the news made me believe I was so close to be discovered, sometimes it is better to stay ignorant.
All I need to focus is on my future, thinking that in about three months I'll be an adult and I can pay for my own life, take care of myself, finally have all I wanted for so long and the most important, be with the woman I fell in love so quickly some time ago.


After the small weekend, we got back to the LA hotel.
Sarah was tired from the trip so she stayed and I decided to take a walk by the city for a while.
I was not very familiar with the place so I went to a park right in front of the Hollywood sign, the Lake Hollywood park. The sunny day illuminated all the grass, looked like true happiness.
It was always pretty calm so I could rest a little after the whole walk until I got here.
I laid under a three and put my earphones on to listen to some music.

"Hello."— I heard a muffled voice but thought it was from my head.— "Hi?"— I heard again so I opened my eyes and paused the music.

"Oh, hello?"— I saw a boy standing in front of me. He had green eyes, dark brown hair, he was tall and pretty but I was clearly not interested.

"Are you okay?"— he asked, laying down with me.

"Yes, I am. How are you?"— I asked as well. The way he approached me was very not expected but I wanted to be nice too. It was a matter of respect.

"I'm fine too. Are you from here?"— I got uncomfortable with the question, like always.

"No, I'm here on vacations. And you?"— I lied.

"I live here. By the way, what's your name?"

"It's F/n."— I wasn't going to tell my real name, I'm lucky Sarah did not use it against me but I'm not trusting anyone again like I trust her.

"I'm Finn."

"Nice to meet you then. Tell me something about you, you literally came here so randomly."— I gave a fake smile.

"I don't know, I felt a little bit alone. I don't have many friends too. I go to school here but I really don't feel connected with people."

"Well, that's pretty relatable. It's difficult for me to feel some sort of connection with people too. Are you alone here?"— I asked, maybe he was like me and liked to be alone.

"Yes, like I said before, I don't have many friends to hang out with and my parents don't really care, you know.."— he played with his fingers.

"What do you mean? They don't care about you?"

"Yes, it's kinda like that. They don't care about me. I have a sister, a younger one and she's the perfect child, they always wanted to have a girl so when my sister was born she was already the center of the house and I became nothing."— I felt really bad, his parents didn't care about him, but mines did and I still ran away from home...

"I'm so sorry for hearing that..."— I calmly said.

"No, it's okay. I've always been so distant and stubborn with everything. I understand why my sister is loved, she's so kind and intelligent. Everything a parent wants to have."

"It doesn't mean she should be the favorite one. You're their son too, it's not fair."

"Yeah, that's true. But believing I am problem is always a good way to cope."

"But it's not healthy, you're not the problem and you know that. Don't lie to yourself."— I smiled to comfort him.

"Thank you, it was really nice to meet you. I need to go now, it's getting dark. You should go too, it's dangerous at night here."

"Thank you for warning me, I will go too. See you another day?"

"Sure, I'm always here by this hours."— he said and we both went our ways.

It was nice to meet someone who has some problems  staying at home. Now I don't feel alone, I've never felt, because I have Sarah.
However I think Sarah can't really understand my side like a younger person could.


I entered in the hotel, every time I came back I could feel a weird sensation in my belly, it was probably nerves and I hated it.
I went to my room, where I found Sarah.

"Y/n! Oh my God, I was worried as hell!"— she ran to me.

"I'm okay! I just went for a walk while you were resting."

"You should have leave a paper with a message or something!"

"Sorry I didn't even thought about it. I'm sorry."— I hugged her.

"It's fine, just don't forget about it again. Where did you go?"

"I went to that park near the Hollywood sign."

"Oh that's good! How did it go?"

"Pretty nice, I meet a boy named Finn in there. He seemed cool."— I smiled remembering I was finally making friends in this place.

"That seems...good."— she looked away and went to do something else.

"What?"— I laughed. — "Sarah? Are you jealous?!"— I laughed harder.

"Nooo."— she rolled her eyes trying to convince me she was not but I could see she was totally jealous.

I laughed and pushed her to bed. We stayed in there and cuddled for a while.
This was the kind of moments which made me ignore that all around me was slowly destroying itself even if I didn't realize it yet.

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