looking for me

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I woke up with a painful headache and someone knocking at my door.
"Yes?"— I opened the door and saw Sarah standing in there.

"Down for breakfast?"— she gave me a sweet smile.
How cute she was.

"Yes, of course. Let me just put some clothes on!"— I ran to the wardrobe and took out something comfortable. — "You know you can come inside, right?"— She was awkwardly standing outside so I invited her in.
She giggled, closed the door behind her, then gently sat on bed.
I needed to change but she was just sitting in there, looking at me.
I was so nervous at the point I forgot the existence of a bathroom in my room so I just turned around and undressed in there. What a shame, Y/n, what a shame.

"You're very beautiful."— Sarah complimented. I don't believe this is happening.

"T-thank you.."— I turned all red, still don't looking at her.
I felt happy for having such a beautiful woman complimenting me.
She has always been so nice, I couldn't understand why.
Was she looking at me like a daughter? I'm too old to be her daughter, but still.
Does she even have kids?
So many unanswered questions about this woman.

"Do you have kids?"— I finished dressing up and turned around.

"Oh, no."— she laughed. — "I'm single with no kids."— she pat the bed for me to sit near her.

"Oh...ok."— I didn't know what to say, my question was pure curiosity.
She smiled and got closer to me, cupping my cheek as I felt her trying to connect our lips.

"Sarah, what was that?"— I looked confused, pushing me away.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry I don't even know what I was doing. When you asked if I had kids I thought you meant...oh my..."— she slapped her forehead and stood up in pure embarrassment.

"Wait, wait, it's okay. I just don't know, I don't know if this is right."— I grabbed her arm so she couldn't leave.
'What are you doing? No, this is not right, you just met her yesterday!', my brain couldn't stop shaming me.

"No, this is not right. I shouldn't have done that, I'm really disgusted with myself."— she looked around, lost in her actions.

"It's okay, Sarah. Let's just forget what happened, okay?"

"Yes, it's better. Let's just...let's just have breakfast."


We got out of the room, now walking by the long dark corridors of the hall.
I grabbed her hand but she instantly let go, she didn't talk much while we were walking and kept her head down all the time.
I felt really bad, because I knew that woman was not okay.
Kissing a teenage girl was clearly not her plan but she was lonely or maybe she had some traumas which led her to do it. I couldn't tell.

"Sarah?"— I asked but she didn't answer.— "Sarah..?"— I asked once again.


"Why did you do that?"

"Y/n, can we just fucking forget about it?!"— she was upset.

"But..."— I wanted to understand her, I wanted to know the reason which led her to do it.

"Please! Just stop talking about it, now!"— she grabbed my arm and yelled at me.

The Host- (sarah paulson)Where stories live. Discover now