Day 53

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3 days since Tommyinnit was found:

The snow whips against the windows in Snowchester as Tubbo and Ranboo sip on some warm cider that Puffy heated up for them.

"So, George is dead?" Puffy asks, voice wavering as she thinks about the color blind boy who is now dead.

"Yeah." Is all Tubbo let's out as he helps Michael fit his square block into the square shaped hole.

"And Dream killed him?" Another nod from Tubbo, "Why?!"

"Doesn't make much sense to me, but honestly does anything that Dream does make any sense?" Tubbo gives Michael a high five as Michael puts the star block into the star hole.

"Not really." Puffy stares into blank space as she thinks about the evil man who was once just her little duckling.

The sound of footsteps fill the room as Phil enters looking terribly tired. At the sight of Phil, the others seek to sit up straighter knowing that Phil has been working with Techno to find out how to fix Tommy.

"Anything?" Tubbo asks standing up and hoping for a good answer.

Tubbo didn't get that good answer, instead he got a head shaking no. "Techno is with him now, he can't seem to leave his side."

With that, Ranboo gets up not saying a single word and walk towards the room Tommy and Techno are in. "Hey." Ranboo adds with a knock.

Techno doesn't look up from Tommy, "hey."

"How's he doing?" Ranboo asks, already knowing the question but just wanted to come check on the two.

"I don't know, good I guess? It would be nice if he had any physical wounds and was talking to tell me how he feels." Techno sighs and slouches deeper into his chair.

"Yeah, I get that." Ranboo pulls a chair on the other side of the bed and sits, staring at Tommy as well.

"Ranboo, even though you don't have any siblings, do you ever feel a sort of responsibility and a type of love that you only feel for a person?" Techno wonders outloud before he takes his eyes off of Tommy for the first time in hours and looks into the eyes of the man across from him.

"Uh yeah, I think I know what you mean. For Tommy I guess I do, having lived with him through the worst times in his life, I can't help but want to protect him all the time." Ranboo pauses and takes a deep breath, "When I found out he was alive after Sam told me he was dead, I- I couldn't physically breathe. Tommy was standing right infront of me and all I could see was him lying dead on the floor of that prison, Dream standing over him with bloody knuckles. It didn't feel real for a long time, I guess he could be part of the reason I joined the Syndicate, I told myself I joined to only protect..."

Ranboo stops, remember who is in the room, causing Techno to raise a questioning eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing, uh, anyway I joined to protect some people at the time and told myself I only did it for them, but really Tommy was also part of who I wanted to protect." Ranboo finishes, mentally slapping himself for trusting Techno and also not trusting Techno.

"I remember the day you told me Tommy died. I tried to act tough, tried to pretend that it wasn't true, but that night I knew deep down that it was the truth. While rummaging through my old stuff, I found some old signs that he would put up around the cabin. He called it our to-do list. Almost made Dream find out he was hiding there because of that list." Techno pauses for a laugh, remembering how he came up with all of those lame excuses for each and every one of them, "that was one of the first nights I let myself feel for him since he left. A lot of crying that night brought on, Phil found me there the next morning, still holding onto the "sell foot" sign for dear life."

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