Day 6

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AN: Hey guys! I know this is a late chapter but I have been watching The Walking Dead, which is honestly so good, and I haven't had time. But I will make time! I'm still deciding on where to go with this story. OH and I will be doing Tommy/myct one shots and I will take requests but not ships please and no sexual violence, and they will on be canon because I like fighting canon better, there is more action. Also, I know this story focuses on Tommy a lot and the other characters show a lot more care and love for Tommy then they do on the actual SMP, but like I said before, this is how I picture them and how they would react to Tommy suddenly going missing in my head. Ok, back to the story!

July 24th
6 days since Tommyinnit's disappearance:

Techno sighs as he stares at the papers Tommy has wrote. What do they mean?

"Hey man, what are you doing up?" Says a voice walking into the kitchen of the manson.

"I need to figure this out. Besides the voices won't let me sleep." Techno says as he rubs his tired eyes and sips on his coffee.

Phil looks over at his son, concerned. "You need to stop getting so hard on yourself, mate. We will find him ok?"

"What if he is already dead?" Techno whispers with a sad tone.

"Come on now. Don't say that." Phil says as he walks over and kneels before his son.

"I was supposed to protect him." Techno tells his father.

"And you did! That day Dream came looking for Tommy, you protected him." Phil says, grabbing Techno's shoulder and giving him a slight nudge.

Techno doesn't say anything as he takes another sip of his coffee and looks out the window as the sun rises.
. .

Tubbo sighs as he get out of bed from another restless sleep. The thought of Tommy never leaving his mind.

Tubbo walks down the hall and towards the kitchen, grabbing his first out of many cups of coffee for the day. He looks over at Techno and sees the tired look that mirrors his own. "Didn't sleep?"

"Nope." Techno says, shaking his head. "You?"

Tubbo answers by shaking his head.

Techno looks at his once more and then goes back to work, examining the letters for the 1000th time in the past 24 hours.

"Find anything?" Tubbo asks, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Well it is kind of hard to figure out when I don't exactly know the whole story." Techno says as he stands up to grab more coffee. "Didn't you mention some about Quackity earlier?"

"Uh yeah. The man is crazy." Tubbo says, grabbing an apple and sitting at the table.

"Do you think we could pay him a visit? See if he knows anything?" Techno turns to Tubbo, waiting for a response.

"I mean I guess. I'll have to ask Puffy to watch Michael again." Tubbo says, not really wanting to bother Puffy for a 3rd day.

"No worries. I can watch the little guy." Phil says as he enter the kitchen, Ranboo in tow.

"No Phil, we couldn't possibly ask you to-" Tubbo starts.

"Nonsense. I grew up raising 3 boys, plus you. I think I can handle Michael for one day." Phil says smiling.

Tubbo looks at Ranboo, silently asking him what to do. Ranboo only smiles and then turns to Phil. "Thank you. We really appreciate it."

"No problem. No way can any child be as bad as Tommy was." Phil says, as the others laugh.

The Disappearance of Tommyinnit حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن