Part 8

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(Elizabeth's p.o.v.)

....Life has been great, I was brought out of my thoughts by a phone call... the name that popped up was a name I havent heard for a long time.... Jack, my ex boyfriend....

i immedately start to wonder why is he calling me? Especially now. but nonetheless i pick up the phone not knowing what this unexpected call was gonna be about.

(The phone call)

Elizabeth ~ Hello?

Jack ~ Hey Elizabeth is that you?

Elizabeth ~ Yes this is Elizabeth. What do you want Jack?

Jack ~ Could we possible meet up? I want to see you and my three kids.

For a minute i couldnt say anything. He wants to walk right back into my life? Why now? Why not when we were a happy family?

Jack ~ Elizabeth are you still there?

Elizabeth ~ You left, you left me and the kids. If you had stayed you would have known that i lost Erika at birth that she died in my arms. But dont worry i had someone who actually cared about me there by my side, where you should have been but dont worry im glad you werent there because that man that was there for me is now my husband. We have been raising Oliver, Ethan, And Emily all on our own. I have found out that I have siblings that i have been getting to know for the last four months. And between all the crazy things happening in my life, i have a new baby joining my family with my husband. Because you left i have everything that i have ever wanted, and i owe you a thank you for it. I did think that this would have been our life but it wasnt meant to be. I found my soulmate and youll find yours we can keep in contact but we can never be together again. I wish you well in life though. Goodbye Jack.

Jack ~ I'm happy for you Elizabeth, i really am, I'll still keep in contact and im sorry for the pain i have ever caused you. Goodbye Elizabeth.

(End of call)

After getting off the phone i realised we have both gotten the closure we needed. Now its time for us to continue living our lives. Stefan walked into the room and looked at me before saying

Srefan ~ Hey everything alright, sweetheart?

Elizabeth ~ Everything is better than alright. I have my siblings, my kids, and I have you. I have everything i have ever wanted so yes, everything is perfectly fine.

Stefan ~ I love you.

Elizabeth ~ And I love you, Always and forever.

With that we both shared a kiss before walking out to the rest of the family to have, of course, a movie night.

(Time Skip 5 years) (Elizabeth's P.O.V.)

Okay its now been five whole years let me tell you all that happened. I had my baby boy, we named him Ezekiel James. Everyone is doing great, Hope is 9, the twins are 7, Ezekiel is 5 and our family is living the best life we possibly could. Oliver got married to his girlfriend, Jessica. They actually have really exciting news!! They are expecting their very first child, I can't believe Im already gonna be a grandmother to a baby when my kids are all still babies. But i can tell you i cant wait to meet their little girl, after all us girls need to stick together and well you cant go wrong with more girls in this family. But the most important thing is that we are all one big happy family and that none of us are going away anytime soon. I also learned some really cool news about my name. See i might be Klaus's full blood sister but i was actually names after my older brother, Elijah. I just think that is a really cool thing, Nik always complains saying "Why weren't you named after me?", "I'm your full bloof older brother", Or he says "Why can't you change your name to Nicole? At least we could be called similar. I could be called Nik and you could be called Nikki!" but at the emd of the day he gets over it. I really could go on and on about our life's little details like Ezekiel's first word was mamma, which i am very proud, but some things are to be left a mystery. All you need to know is that my lived changed completly but in the good way. I'm glad you all stuck around long enough for my biggest blessings. I'll forever love my family,           ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!

Hey guys, its your writer, I'd like to apologizie for how long it took me to finish this story. It wasnt my intention to take this long it was suppose to be a little story to write before i started school and work but it all turned into writers block and some family health promblems. I hope you still enjoyed reading this story and if you happen to like this story there is a couple on my profile that are all completed. Im sorry for any mistakes in this story i know there was quite a bit. But thank you for taking time out of your day/night to read this.
                                                             ~~~~~~Your writer.

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