Part 6

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(Elizabeth's p.o.v.)

By now we are all literally yelling at each other when we were cut off by my phone ringing. I walked over to my phone and answer the call saying.

(The phone call)

Elizabeth ~ Now isn't really a good time can I call you back?

Oliver ~ Mom?

Elizabeth ~ Oliver? Is everything okay?

Oliver ~ Never mind its a bad time for you I'll call you later.

Elizabeth ~ Oliver James Salvatore, you better not hang up on me and tell me what's wrong.

Oliver ~ I got in trouble at school, and I got suspended.

Elizabeth ~ What did you do that got you suspended? Do you want me to talk to them about it I can get you back in school.

Oliver ~ No its okay and I got in trouble because I punched a guy who wouldn't leave a girl alone and it happened to be my crush who he wouldn't leave along.

Elizabeth ~ Well as far as I'm concerned he got what he deserved and are you sure you don't want me to call the school?

Oliver ~ No, I kind of put him in the hospital so can I just come and help you at work?

Elizabeth ~ Um, yeah you can come watch the twins.

Oliver ~ How is it going with the Mikaelson's? Are they actually your siblings? I know you were worried about it last night.

I looked up to see the Mikaelson's looking at me with confusion now.

Elizabeth ~ I'll see you in a little bit, bye.

And then I hung up

(End of phone call)

After I put the phone down I looked up to see them all looking at me before Klaus said

Klaus ~ So you didn't even know that we could be your siblings until last night?

Elizabeth ~ Crap, Olly your killing me.

I said under my breath before saying

Elizabeth ~ Yes, I thought it was a possibility that your little sister could of been me.

Kol ~ So then why don't you want to believe it?

Elizabeth ~ I had a run in with some Mikaelson's a thousand years ago. Let's just say it didn't end well.

Rebecka ~ We never met you before so who did you run into?

Elizabeth ~ Your parents, Mikael and Esther. If they were still alive I would put them six feet under, I would send them to hell.

Elijah ~ What did they do so bad that would make you not want to be related with us?

Elizabeth ~ It doesn't matter.

Klaus ~ No it does.

But before any of them could say any more Stefan and Oliver walked through your office door.

Elizabeth ~ Stefan? What are you doing here?

Stefan ~ Olly said you were upset when he called and that you might need back up, so I'm back up. And I've met the Mikaelson's before they can be a handful.

Elizabeth ~ Stef I just have a lot on my mind you didn't need to come and Olly the twins are in the lounge why don't you just hang out there for a while.

Oliver ~ Okay. 

I watched as we walked through the door and closed it.

Stefan ~ What were you guys talking about?

Kol ~ Mikael and Esther.

Stefan ~ Why would you guys be talking about that? Elizabeth doesn't know them and why would that help you find your little sister?

Rebecka ~ You haven't even told him? 

Freya ~ Isn't he your husband?

Stefan ~ Yes, I am Elizabeth's husband. What's going on here?

Klaus ~ I would like to know that too. So please Elizabeth continue. What did they do that made you never want to met us?

Elizabeth ~ No before I even have to say anything why do you guys think I am related to you? I am not Esther's daughter and I am certainly not Mikael's daughter.

Klaus ~ Your father's name is Ansel Aumont, right?

Elizabeth ~ Yeah, what does that have to do with this?

Klaus ~ That's my real father's name, my mother, Esther had an affair which lead to me.

Kol ~ Also you guys look like you could be twins. You look so similar, which leads us to believe you are also Esther's daughter. 

Elijah ~ Therefore you are our half sister and Niklaus's full sister.

Elizabeth ~ Prove it.

Freya ~ Klaus I need your blood, and Elizabeth I need your blood.

We both gave her some of my blood and she started the spell. When she was done you could tell that we were indeed related. And when I noticed that I just stared at it with shock. I guess it all makes sense now.

Elizabeth ~ It all makes sense now.

Stefan ~ Elizabeth are you okay? What makes sense?

Elizabeth ~ It makes sense why Esther turned me into a vampire, it makes sense why Mikael came to me to try to get me to kill his children. It makes sense why Mikael killed my father in front of me and they wanted me to kill the siblings I didn't know iI had.

Rebecka ~ What? Mikael wanted you to kill us?

Klaus ~ It doesn't surprise me.

Kol ~ We are obviously still alive so why didn't you kill us?

Elizabeth ~ I'm not a murderer, I wasn't gonna kill someone's children so I said no.

Elijah ~ How did that end for you?

Elizabeth ~ Try being staked and then placed in a cave, spelled in, no blood, and all alone for 900 years?

Freya ~ That's horrible. How did you get out?

Katelyn ~ I got her out.

We all turned around to see Katelyn, my best friend.

Stefan ~ How did you get her out?

Katelyn ~ I was running away from my toxic boyfriend when I came across a cave. I didn't know it then but I had tapped into my magic I didn't know I had and when she woke I let her feed of me enough for her to wake up completely and well she helped me get away from my ex and she turned me into a immortal witch as a thank you.

Stefan ~ Eliza why didn't you tell me any of this.

Elizabeth ~ I was going to but then with what happened before I met you and before we got married, I just couldn't stand to talk about the pain.

Klaus ~ What else happened?

Elizabeth ~ Well I had gotten pregnant and then the father died a couple months later I found out he faked his death so he didn't have to be with me any more. I told him about his children and he still left, and then I met Stefan and a month before we got married I gave birth to my children and well only Ethan and Emily lived. I lost my third baby, Erika.

Caroline ~ That's horrible.

Hayley ~ I'm so sorry.

Davina ~ You didn't deserver any pain that has happened to you.

Elizabeth ~ Well a Mikaelson's life is never easy.

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