Chapter 2

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He was dreaming.

After making sure Hobi has fallen asleep, Taehyung raises his hand and slowly touches his hair floating around his forehead. It tickles as the hair brushes his skin. Exactly the way it did before.

Taehyung frowns. He is almost certain he was dreaming. Now that a few moments have passed, it doesn't feel real at all. Or does it? It did feel real. But...

He shakes his head so that his hair falls back into its place. He touches it again, focusing so hard he doesn't even realise he starts biting his lower lip until it starts hurting. He seriously needs to get rid of this bad habit. Maybe he should start putting on some lip balm to prevent himself from chewing on his lips so much. So annoying.

He sighs frustratingly and hits the back of his head on the bus seat, staring up at the ceiling. The bus swings slightly on the road as the night embraces them. Why does he even care so much? Why does it matter whether Hoseok actually touched his hair like that or whether he just dreamed of it? All of the feelings he once felt when they first met were buried deep down in his heart. He carefully took all of his romantic thoughts about Hobi that were written in his soul, stack them into an envelope and placed it to the darkest, loneliest place in the attic of his heart where it was now collecting dust. He pretty much ended up forgetting it had ever existed. Instead, he found an empty book there and started filling the blank spaces up with friendliness, slowly turning it into a lifelong brother-like relationship full of the most loving memories that felt like an embrace anytime he read through them, brushing the words written down on the parchment paper with his fingertips.

Hoseok sleeping next to him wiggles and Taehyung almost jumps up. He got so immersed in his thoughts he completely forgot his best friend is sleeping only a few inches away from him for a moment. How is he so close? He could make their knees touch if only he moved his left leg a little, now that he thinks about it. He could intertwine their fingers if he had the courage to do so. But why would he feel the need to? They were like brothers. It's not like they've never touched each other - they have, actually. A lot. They all have. They hugged and held each others hands through hard times and even cuddled around while sleeping. As friends. As family.

Get yourself together, you idiot.

Jung Hoseok's full lips slightly open as his breath deepens even more and Taehyung suddenly feels his heart flutter. A warm feeling starts spreading from his belly to his entire body and he shivers.

Just stop staring at him, he scolds himself. This is not helpful at all, you moron. I mean, it's not like this is the first time you see him sleep. It has never been the slightest of a problem. So what's wrong with you now, all of a sudden?

There must be some rational explanation for this. Maybe there was a bug sitting on his hair so Hoseok reached for it to go away and as he touched his hair, it tickled so much he mistook it for heart fluttering. And now he's making a big deal out of it for absolutely no reason.

Yeah, right. He actually becomes a lot calmer after realising how probable this explanation is.

There's no need to worry about it. He's most likely just tired. He's never really thinking straight when he's half asleep anyways. He probably won't even remember this happened when he wakes up in the morning.

Kim Taehyung wiggles in his seat as he sinks into his oversized sweater even more, crossing his arms across his chest to warm himself up and closes his eyes.

And as sleepiness slowly takes over him, he finds himself wishing of dreaming of Hobi touching him again.

Except, he does, in fact, remember what happened when he wakes up again. The thought of Hoseok's fingers in his hair haunts him as they get back to their dorms and doesn't seem to let him go no matter what he does.

Now, this is a problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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