Chapter 17 | Return

Start from the beginning

Sometimes I'm able to hide how I'm feeling. But losing my sister for a second time, no, I'm not able to hide how that feels.

I'm just lying on my bed just staring at my ceiling. Thinking about what I could have done to prevent her from leaving.

Will she come back? Will it take days? Weeks? Months? Years? Will she forgive us for how we reacted?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear commotion downstairs. I decide to ignore it and close my eyes. Remembering all the happy moments I had with my little sis before she was taken.

I hear a knock on my door in the distance and decide to ignore it and focus on the memories.

I feel someone wipe my cheek and I look at them. When I open my eyes I see Manon. I must be dreaming. I close my eyes and open them again she's still there.

"You had a tear on your cheek." She says with her soft, melodic voice.

I stretch my arm out and touch her to make sure I'm not imagining things. I touch her and immediately break down.

She wraps her arms around me and comforts me. Not asking any questions just waiting for me to talk.

"I-I'm sorry, for the way I reacted when we saw your scars. I shouldn't have stood there doing nothing, I should've hugged you and told you that you can tell me whenever you feel ready to talk about what you went through.

I'm sorry if I made you feel bad about yourself or insecure about your scars because of the way I reacted. I didn't mean to, it was just hard for me to accept that my baby sister went though hell and I wasn't there to help you, protect you and hold your hand.

I'm sorry for being a bad big brother. I shouldn't have let you go to school alone that day, I should've gone with you. Or I should've asked mom and dad that you could've stayed home as well." I sob

"It's not your fault that I was taken. And you shouldn't apologise for the way you reacted. If I were in your position I don't know how I would've reacted.

You didn't make me feel bad about myself, the reactions all of you had brought back some memories from the past that I've been trying to forget. So don't worry about it.

And don't you ever doubt yourself again. You're a good brother, you were to young back then to do something that could have prevented what happened." She says

I slowly fall asleep lying in her arms, hugging her stomach. Not wanting to let her go, scared that this isn't real and that she'll be gone if I let go of her.

She's softly humming a song that helps me calm down while running her fingers through my hair.

My eyes start to close and before I know it I fall in a deep sleep for the first time in weeks.

I wake up with my arms wrapped around someone. I open my eyes and see my sister. So I wasn't a dream, she really came back.

I close me eyes and fall back to sleep.

This time I'm woken up by something moving beside me. I open my eyes to see Manon trying to get out of my hold. I look at her and pout. I don't want her to leave me just yet.

She chuckles a little when she sees me.

"I need to use the bathroom, I'll come back after." She assures me.

I let go of her and check the time. 11am. It's Sunday so I don't really need to do anything today.

Manon comes back and gets back in bed. We decided to watch a movie together and talk a little about what happened the past years that we were apart.

We chose to watch a horror movie, cause apparently we both love those.

Manon tells me about her friendship with Misha and Arthur and some of the things they have done together.

Suddenly she starts laughing. I look at her weirdly. Why is she laughing someone just got brutally murderer in the movie and she just starts laughing.

Fucking psychopath.

The door bursts open and I look over to see the rest of our brothers. They come in, closing the door behind them and getting in bed with us.

Me and Tyler next to Manon. Kenzo next to me, Luca next to Tyler and Kody at the end of the bed.

The movie had finished right before they walked in so we chose a new movie to watch together.

That's how we spend the rest of the day. The six of us lying in bed watching horror movies.

Happy Halloween everyone!

(Or devils night for Penelope Douglas fans)

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