Chapter 8 | Heart attack

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Manon's pov

The next day

It's Sunday, so I'll be going to live with my biological parents and brothers during the week. I start packing a few bags of clothes to take with me and leave there so I don't need to take them with me every time. I also go to my secret weapon room that is hidden in my closet to fill a bag with weapons to have there. You never know when it can come in handy.

After I'm done I go downstairs to the kitchen and see that everyone's already there. I walk up to papa and give him a hug.

"Bonjour papa."

"Bonjour mon trèsor. Vous avez bien dormi?"

"Oui, papa et toi?"

"Moi aussi."

(Hello papa. Hello mon trèsor. Did you sleep well? Yes papa and you? Me too)

I walk over to Misha and Arthur and give them a hug. I pull back and take a seat at the table.

During breakfast, or more like lunch since I took longer than expected to pack, we discuss the mafia. I am the French mafia leader, I took over from papa 6 months ago in secret.

Only the most trusted in our Mafia know. My leadership will be announced at the mafia ball in a couple of months.

We decided it's best if my biological family doesn't know I'm involved in the underworld or even know about it so papa told them that I don't know what he's involved with.

After eating I go upstairs to grab my bags to leave to the mansion of my family. Papa decided to stay a little longer in New York before leaving for Paris again.

We decided that after I feel more comfortable with my other family he'll go back and that I will come every 2 weeks to check on business in France and to catch up with papa.

I bought penthouse closer to where the Ricci's live so that after a mission/ fight I can change back in normal clothes and leave my car there so that they won't get suspicious of me. Arthur and Misha are going to live there, so we'll be close to each other in case of emergencies.

I walk to one of the cars where one of our most trusted guards, Rath, is waiting for me to take me to them. We get along he's very serious about his job but knows how to loosen up sometimes. He's 26 y/o I and is like a brother to me. He puts my bags in the trunk and opens the door for me and I get in.

"On y va" (translation: let's go) I say and we drive off the property.

After the 45min drive we arrive at their mansion.

Rath gets out and walks over to my door and opens it letting me out

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Rath gets out and walks over to my door and opens it letting me out. "Merci Rath." He nods his head in acknowledgement and takes my bags out of the trunk, meanwhile I walk over to the front door and ring the bell. I hear yelling inside and a minute later the door finally opens.

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