Start from the beginning

“You idiots! don’t let these adventurers escape! If they leave alive we’ll never get free!” The one in my arms screamed.

 The ginger had a saddened look on her face as she looked away. While the reptilian looking one was slumped over on the edge of the spring. 

It threw me off a little, these sirens weren’t just mindless monsters like the other creatures we fought. I felt kind of bad, I mean I had a sword to their friend’s throat. But I couldn’t feel too bad. I mean they were just trying to kill us a second ago.

“What's she talking about?” I called out to the ginger 

She swam over to the reptilian one. Gently petting her back as she solemnly looked her over. 

“The one who made this dungeon,” she said. “He captured us and trapped us here.”

“Stop talking and kill them all!-”

 I felt the ground shake beneath my feet as vines shot out from the ground. Quickly wrapping around the siren and gagging her mouth.

I looked over and saw Zack holding out his hand toward us. With a really agitated look In his eye.

“Man she’s annoying.” He grumbled.

 I dropped her to the floor and the vines that sprouted from the ground held her down. She started to spazz like a freshly caught fish, which prompted more vines to appear and wrap around her. 

“So you're trapped here? Why didn’t you try asking for our help?” I called out to her.

“Because there's no point! We can only escape if two conditions are met.” 

“And those are?” Zack asked

”One, we kill at least ten adventurers.”

“Shocking,” Zack said sarcastically.

 “Or two,” she grumbled. “Defeat the minotaur on the other side.”

“Well it's your lucky day, hot stuff! We just so happen to need to get past that final boss for the dungeon prize. So why don’t you let us through and-”

“It's not that simple you land walker!”

“landwalker?” Zack questioned

“The path to the flower is clear, but the path to the minotaur is another path entirely.” I started to feel this frustration build up inside me. 

These girls were trapped, being forced to play this twisted dungeon monster role!? I balled my fist out of frustration, trying to keep myself calm. 

I looked over at the reptilian one and pointed at her.

“What's wrong with her?”

“She can’t handle the saltwater, she’s from a freshwater swamp.” I felt my heart twinge as I heard her start to cough horrifically.  

I couldn’t stand it anymore, I had to help them. Zack looked over at me and his eyes got wide in concern.

“Oh no, no no, we don’t have time to save them, Stryder!”

“Didn’t you hear what she just said? The flower’s path is clear, you go get the flower and I'll fight the minotaur.”

“I know she’s hot and all, and I know you got that stupid chivalry thing but come on Stryder. There are plenty of fish in the sea, literally.” I could feel the warmth rising to my cheeks as he said that. 

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