“ Siddharth, you know that the girl you have held captive is daughter of the man whom you hate the most. But I think you are not blind to ignore the fact that this girl is known for her beauty in far lands. Many kings and Princes are in standing in queue to take her hand as their bride. "

Dhai ma continued,
“ ..... a girl who is young and an owner of such a mesmerizing beauty is not safe if she has no guardian to protect her and so, ..... it will be better if you send her back to her father's safe hands.” Said Dhai Ma maintaining her serious tone.

My eyes darted at her as soon as her sentence completed, expressing disagreement to her opinion.
NOT IN MY LIFE "I yelled aloud…. but…. Only in my mind.

“ I am afraid Dhai Ma. That is not the rule, and anyway it's not happening. Not on my watch.” Calming myself, I voiced my opinion fatly. A tinch of annoyance reflected in my voice as I am already hating this subject of our discussion.

" Humm…. "she paused to think than spoke again.
“Then..... , as she is your prisoner. Put her in the dungeons. At least there she will be safe.” Said Dhai Ma looking at me.

I knitted my brows and looked at her being confused as well as shock as if she just told me that 'sun arises from north ', while she looked okay about what she just said.

“ WHATTTT ?!! " I blurted out loud.
I got stiffen being uncomfortable by just thinking about locking poor Nandini away for lifetime only to keep her safe.

This is so not an option. I wish I could have said this to Dhai Ma whatever I am murmuring in my mind, but I have to just say something else to her about it at the same time suppressing my emotions. "
I spoke to myself internally.

" If I'd wanted to put her away, I would have done that long back. How can that be even an option, Dhai Ma? And more over, I am surprised to hear it from you. How can you be so harsh on her when you, yourself, say that she is just an innocent girl ?? " I said in a surprised tone, again showing a disapproval to what she presented in front of me as an option.
Hearing me, she looked elsewhere and spoke again

“ You don't want to send her back to her , you don't want to put her in the dungeons, than I think there is only last option left. And you should agree to it ."

I didn't know why I didn't have a very good feeling about this third option too.

" Find a good king or a Prince and get her married.” She suggested and I just sprang up from my seat hearing this,
“ WHATTTT !!!! ?? "

I shook my head in irritation
“ I am sorry Dhai Ma, but before you go on. I want to tell you that we don't have to discuss about this. "

" We have to Siddharth. And you being a King, it is very much your responsibility. So. YOU have to.  whatever is going on if you can't see it, then it's my duty to make you see through. And I wouldn't have said a word if that incident hadn't occurred with that girl. So sit down Son and hear me out.”
Wearing a frown on my face, I sat back to my seat obeying her. After a long pause between us.

“ Do you have anyone in your mind, who will be eligible for her??” She queried.

“ No “. I said quickly, being pissed.

" Oh !! ? ..... What about your friend Surya Pratap ?? He will be absolutely fit for her. They both will surely compliment each other." She said in a cheerful tone with light in her eyes.

Forbidden PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now