Her Broken Soul

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Chapter 2 - 5 months later

Glancing over my shoulder at the five rogues that are gaining on me, I let out a whimper as my leg shifts with every step I take.

I face forward and try to slide to a stop as I see a flowing river in front of me, I let out a howl as I plunge into the water.

Pawing my way upwards, my face breaks free as the current takes me away from the barking rogues. Clenching the bag I stole from them in my mouth as the current takes me farther and farther until I can't see them anymore, I start to kick my way to the beach as it comes in my like of view.

Clawing my way towards the beach, my paws hit the rock and sand letting my land and pad out. Dropping the bag on the ground, I shake pelt out and freeze when i hear multiple growls.

Looking up I see the five wolves that where chasing me heading towards me.

Grabbing the bag in my jaws again, I burst into a run heading into the forest I feel a on my leg making me Yelp and almost trip. Regaining my balance, I leap over a fallen log and burst into a clearing.

Skidding to a stop when I don't hear any paw steps, i shiver as the wind goes by. Setting the bag on the ground, i start to roll on the ground trying to dry off my fur.

Standing I grab the bag and start to limp forward. And let out a pained groan as my leg shifts. Stopping to lift my nose up to the air, I stop when I realize I'm on wolf territory.

"What are you doing on pack territory rogue?" Snarls a tall broad shouldered guy, his eyes widen when he sees the horns sprouted from my head. "You. Alpha Aaron said to watch out for you, you killed his pack members and you dare to step onto Blood Mark Territory"

Taking a step back, I wince when I step on my leg but freeze when wolves surround me. "Shift!"

Feeling my bones start to pop and shift, I let my horns, claws and teeth remain. "I swear whatever alpha Aaron said, it's all wrong" I say, wincing as I stand on my leg. "If you take me to you're alpha I can explain everything to him, and I promised I won't attack him or anything"

"What's in the bag?" Asks the blondie.

"Uh" I say rubbing my neck but stop when I realize I still have my claws out. "I stole them from rogues, i was chased by them to here. And I haven't looked at whats in the bag"

"Grab the bag, and let's go" says the blondie, he turns and starts to walk forward. The other wolves surround me as one of them grab the bag.

Taking a step forward, i grunt when I put pressure on my leg. "Why aren't you healing?" Jumping I look up to see the blondie watching me with narrowed eyes.

"I actually don't know" I say shrugging my shoulders. "I'm a rare wolf and I don't know any knowledge about my breed"

"Come. The alpha doesn't like to wait"

Rolling my eyes, I start to limp forward and stifle a groan. As we walk for about an hour we finally get to a large beautiful mansion.

Watching the blond take the bag from the wolfs mouth, his eyes glaze over and than the wolves turn and race back into the woods. "Let's go"

Walking after him again, i grip the railing as he starts to walk up stairs. Stepping after him, he stops in front of large oak wood doors and knocks.

"Come in" rumbles a deep voice, it sends shivers down my back making me clench my fist and tense up.

Stepping in after the blond, the blond bows and motions me to step forward. I fully shift into human. "Alpha, found this rogue in the woods, she claims to have been chased by other rogues cause she stole this bag and she's wound as well. It's the wolf that Aaron warned us about." Says the blond, he runs a hand through his hair as the man stays faced away.

"Leave!" Snaps the man, I roll my eyes and wiggle my fingers at the blondie making him chuckle and walk out the office.

"Alpha" I say shifting from foot to foot. "I swear I didn't mean to step onto your territory, I was chased and than your men found me. I will leave now-"

"Silence" snarls the man making me freeze, he stands and turns to look at me, his hard blood red eyes make me stumble back. "Mine"

Taking another step back, i wince when my leg moved, Flinching when he takes a step towards me. I open my mouth.
"Let me go, I swear I'll never return and you won't even remember me" I whimper as he stares at me with no emotion in his eyes.

"Mine" he says lowly.

"N-no" I whisper. "Your not my mate, my mate rejected me"

"You're mine" he growls. "I'm never letting you go, Kitten"

Sending shivers down my back from his neck name he gave me, I shake my head. "No. I'm not yours"

Turning I break into a run.

"MINE" I hear him roar as I see birds take to the sky.

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