Winter tea

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I waited and waited, Arrrgghhh! it feels like waiting forever. I can't just sit here.

Erin sent me her location but it's been 20 mins when she stopped somewhere I don't know where and why. "This is it! I'm going out." I told myself then starts marching at the front door.

It's not gonna take long to come to the park, from Erin's current location, she's just literally two minutes away from me but I'm getting impatient because she's taking ages. I sent her tons of messages but she didn't reply even.

"Love where are you?"

"Love I'm leaving now."

"I'll be at the park in 2 mins."



***1 message received*** "Ok" she replied finally. wow I was so impressed with her okay, I shook my head while smiling, unbelievable!

Thankfully it didn't took long, as soon as I reached the park, she came with her driver, I didn't easily found them because it was a parking lot across the street where I was standing so i came towards those car being parked, then found her driver.

I greeted the driver and he guided me towards the car. Erin was sitting inside and didn't bothered to come out, so lazy! I can feel my heart like coming out in no time. my hands are cold and feeling like shivering.

I'm nervous.

I never felt like this before. I usually just gonna chill and so relaxed, but now, I wanna run back to where I came from.

I open the door gently and smiled at her, "Hi" I can't even say anything aside from that.

She just smiled at me and handed over a beautiful boquet of roses. It was a mixture of white roses, red ones and baby's breath but most of all, this stunning woman in front of me is more beautiful than the flowers, she made everything special.

I kept smiling at her and held her hand. We looked at each other and said "How are you" at the same time.

"I'm good. I was waiting for you at home then I got bored so I decided to just come here, you?" I asked her back.

"I'm good." her hands are shaking so I squeezed it gently with my hand and kissed it.

"Don't be nervous, I am here." I said hoping she'll feel comfortable. I can feel her based on her hands shaking and she's nervous. Omg she looks so cute when she blushed after I gave small kisses on her hand.

"That's the reason, You are here. That's why I feel nervous." She said teasing me and started smiling.

"Thank you for the flowers." I said while looking at her eyes.

"You're welcome." she said with a smile on her face, "By the way, I got some sweets from home, give 1 box to your mom and your sister." she said pointing out the bag behind where I am sitting.

"One box for you as well." She added. I nodded, "I won't give anything to my sister, it'll be all mine." I said with a smirk on my face.

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