And so it begins

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Finally, the day Jimin had worked hard for was here.Going into the tall building he gave his name at reception .
"Ah ,Mr Park, welcome, here is your swipe card to get in at all times, please report if you lose it. You are on the fourth floor , take the lift and once there you will be met by someone who will direct you to your office."
Jimin nodded trying to contain his excitement, his own office! He thought it would be a communal room lots of desks.
The lift swiftly arrived at the fourth floor, to the left was a desk with a male sitting at it." Hello, Mr Park? I'm Jin, I am the first stop on this floor, nobody gets to anyone else without my say so ."
"Hi,call me Jimin"
Jin suddenly let out a squeal, "Omg your so cute and adorable, ok Jimin this way please, now remember any problems you come to me,,"
Jimin nodded smiling at the others over the top enthusiasm.
Walking past two offices they stopped at a third," ok so this is your base, you can pretty much set up the office as you wish, no lewd pics of course, as these offices as you can see have one glass wall everyone can see into, Erm your timetable for today is on the desk, after that you will be allocated work by Mr Jeon. Out of the door to your left is a boardroom, just past that is a small seating and coffee area, along the right hand side is Mr Jeons office, his secretary Joonie,er I mean Kim Namjoon then the communal office for mainstream staff who will be allocated to you depending on the job, ok, want to ask anything?"
Jimin looked around his head reeling at all the information, it was a nice sized office fairly modern looking except for one thing," er you said I could do anything to the office?Can I get rid of that ugly ass picture," he said pointing to a portrait of a surly looking man who's picture was on the wall facing the desk, so every time you looked up you would see it staring at you.
Jin guffawed with laughter," hell yes, that's Mr Jeons deceased grandfather, your previous workmate was a bit of a brown nose, he thought by having this pic of Mr Jeons grandfather who founded the business he would get on the present Mr Jeons good side, unfortunately for him Jungkook hated his grandfathers guts and all this did was annoy him everyone he saw it, it also didn't cover up the fact he was a lousy worker."
The pair laughed and Jin left to go back to his desk, Jimin sat down in his seat, checking the days itinerary, logging onto the computer with the code sent to him on his phone but every time he glanced up that gloomy picture stared at him. Nope thought Jimin can't work with that, standing up and going around the desk he went to the wall it was quite a big picture just a little bit too high for Jimin to manage it easily.
Glancing around he looked for something to stand on but there was only his chair,Damn his height he thought dragging the chair around.
Balancing on the chair seat he spread his hands to grab the heavy frame but realised he still needed to be higher so without thinking stood balanced on the arms and went to lift the frame.
Jungkook waved to Jin as he walked passed, making his way leisurely to his office humming to himself. His gaze was caught by a small figure who seemed to have a great ass balancing on a chair trying to lift that ugly damn picture off, as he watched he saw the chair tilt the frame come off the wall and the small person start falling, he rushed in grabbing the figure and swinging him up and away from the heavy picture which crashed to the floor breaking the frame and cracking the picture in half.
Jimins heart was thudding at the close call, he looked at the disaster on the floor the realised he was being easily carried by someone with strong arms and a warm breath on his neck, turning his face he found his lips nearly colliding with another pair. He wriggled to be put down.
Jungkook sniffed in the unique smell of the male thinking how light he was, when he started wriggling Jungkook felt a whole new sensation.
Putting the male down he asked," you ok?"
Jimin annoyed at himself answered crossly," yes I had it under control."
"Sure you did, why didn't you ask for help?"
Jimin looked up into the most handsome face looking down at him.
"I don't need help I just lost my balance,"
"Everybody needs help just ask ."
"Your bossy, I can do it , I would have just tried again to take this ugly ass picture down."
"And you may have hurt yourself badly do as I say and ask next time!" Jungkook said in a more dominant voice.
"Look you stop telling me......."
"Mr Jeon is everything ok I heard a noise? Oh my hod," Jin said looking at the mess.
Mr Jeon! This was his boss he'd just been rude too? Way to go Jimin!
"Jin why wasn't this picture got rid off after the office was vacated you know I hate the bloody thing?"
"I'm sorry I meant to but then we got busy, Jimin are you ok, I hope your not hurt you should have asked I would have got it taken away."
Jimin now totally embaressed assured Jin," I'm sorry Jin I didn't mean to cause trouble it just felt like he was watching me, I thought I could manage," his voice soft and apologetic to the concerned Jin.
Jungkook stifled a laugh, oh life had just got interesting with Jimin? He coughed," so get it cleared up and fill in an accident report please, oh ten minutes to the meeting'Jimin' don't be late," Jungkook said walking out.
"Shit is he always that bossy , why did he have to walk in then," Jimin muttered loudly, to a snort of laughter from Jin and a ,"oh and don't forget Mr Park we are a team here, so ask for help," Jungkook said grinning as he walked away again.
"He heard didn't he, I'm doomed?" Jimin whined to Jin who patted him on the back while laughingly commiserating with him, ah he thought maybe Jimin was what they needed around here.
He picked up Jimins desk phone spoke to maintenance to come and clear the office then guided the forlorn looking male to the boardroom for the meeting, as Jimin quietly muttered," oh fuck kill me now!"

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